Mark Rosenberg

Mark L. Rosenberg met his future wife, Jennifer, in 1995 on a seven-hour bus ride to Richmond, Va., for a Jewish youth program. He was trying to shine a flashlight on a book and turn the pages at the same time. She sat behind him, and finally offered to hold the flashlight. He gratefully accepted.

'I thought he was really cute,' said Mrs. Rosenberg, who recalled being smitten by his green-blue eyes and smile.

Mr. Rosenberg, 26, a software developer for Marsh & McLennan, was no stranger to buses, or subways, for that matter. His friends called him 'Mr. Public Transportation' because he favored mass transit over driving because of concern for the environment. His wife recalls him hailing a cab only three times during their courtship and marriage.

An avid cyclist, Mr. Rosenberg also used to ride from his home in Teaneck, N.J., over the George Washington Bridge and down to Central Park on Sunday mornings.

'He loved the city,' his wife said. 'He never wanted to go anywhere else.'

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I met Marc in the summer of 1991, when we worked together in camp. We played basketball together every night after the campers had gone to bed. Marc was a genuinely nice guy who I remember fondly. We reconnected years later in college, and I succeeded him as a Strenger Hall dorm counselor. I remember him fondly and wish his family comfort on an ongoing basis.
Micah Greenland, Friend
Sep 13 2019 6:03AM
After spending several years together in elementary school, Mark and I were roommates in a high school dormitory. Mark was incredibly gifted in math. He was always kind enough to explain challenging math concepts to me and often helped me study for math and chemistry exams. He was also an incredible athlete. He was undoubtably regarded as the best football player in our class all throughout elementary school. He was also a fantastic swimmer and displayed great endurance as he would swim 1 to 2 miles several times a week during his high school years. He pushed me to do sit ups with him every night before we would turn the lights out in our dorm room. Any activity that Mark would commit to, Mark would excel at. He never gave less than 110%. It might seem like I am glorifying him post humorously, but for those who knew Mark well, know that I am speaking the truth. To illustrate this point: after spending a few months in Israel, he became extremely motivated in his Jewish studies. This led him to switch to a less popular but more intense Yeshiva, allowing him to study with more rigor and devotion. More important than all of these wonderful attributes was the fact that Mark was an absolute mensch, in every sense of the word. We lost one of the really really “good ones” on that ominous and horrific day 18 years ago. Mark- you are truly missed.
H Cohen , Friend
Sep 13 2019 1:21AM
I "met" Mark through doing our family tree. Too soon after, he was taken from us, and I still regret to this very day that I never got the pleasure of meeting in person. May his memory live on. All my love to the rest of the family.
Farra Isaacson, Family
Sep 12 2019 5:42PM
Mark, The mentch who was ' way ahead of his time'. Always Bsayver Panim Yafos, greeting you with a smile, and an easy laugh. You got along with the 'small-town guys in OJ, just as easily as the big city kids! We miss ya. Yehi Zichro Baruch
YItzchok, Friend
Sep 11 2019 9:39PM
Mark, 18 years ago you were taken from us way to soon. Your MTA Dorm Family never forgets you. May you memory continue to be for a blessing.
Ami Avraham, Friend
Sep 11 2019 3:52AM
Fifteen years is frighteningly too long...Mark loved vanilla ice cream on a bitter, cold day, listening to Solsbury Hill, playing tennis, cycling through all 5 boroughs of NY, jogging, watching movies my father thought were Oscar worthy, eating his mom's roast chicken, hanging with his younger brother by 8 years, being a friend, a good family man, and good husband. He loved numbers. My favorite memory, currently, is taking Mark to the Guggenheim Museum in NYC, where a Nam June Paik retrospective was on view. I was an intern there, and while assuming no credit for the exhibition, I was proud...proud to share video art, technology driven art, with my older brother. We rode the city bus together, he thought everything really "cool". My older brother by 3.5 years, and I finally impressed him, a little. I miss him every day. Sara (Rosenberg) Sharvit
Sara Rosenberg-Sharvit , Family
Sep 11 2016 9:16AM
A shuir room in Yeshivat Ohr Yerushalayim - the Yeshiva where Mark studied in Israel - was dedicated in Marks memory. See the article here:
Ira, Friend
Sep 11 2015 6:18PM
Mark, you would be 40 this year, and I still celebrate your day. Harvey just had his second, a girl...a little princess for mom and dad. i can't wait to meet her. thinking of you today. very, very tough...always thinking of you, sis
Sara Rosenberg-Sharvit, Family
Dec 27 2014 4:18PM
love you and miss you, mark
OhR yerushalayim, Friend
Sep 11 2014 10:51AM
Dear Mark, I thought about you today. Please be assured that your memory will live on forever even if you were taken from us way too early. You seem so genuinely happy in this picture, and it's a reminder of the truly blessed person and soul that you were, are, and always will be. Rest Easy.
John Scott, Friend
Sep 12 2013 11:09AM
A good man. Someone I knew in high school and abroad when studying in Israel. Very sincere and always the first and last to open and close the study hall.
Steven Genack, Friend
Sep 12 2012 6:30AM
We love you and miss you more everyday.
ohr yerushalayim, Friend
Sep 11 2012 9:55PM
Mark was a dorm counselor in my HS dorm. Always smiling, a great guy and a friend to all of us. I think of you everytime I pass through NYC and say a prayer for you. You are always missed and never forgotten.
Ami Avraham, Friend
Sep 11 2012 12:27AM
Dear Mark, I think about you often but most of all when I am at a lost for what to do and what to say. This is not because I always shared such profound thoughts with you, I was too young. It is because I know that I would have. I regret the fact that you did not get a chance to see me grow up and now that I am grown I miss the advice you would have given me and the love you would have shared. A lot of wonderful things have happened since we lost you and I always wish you were there to share it with us. However, it is when things are hard that I really miss you because I know you always had a way of making things better. Mark, you taught me how to throw like a boy, called me out when I didn't brush my teeth, and modeled for me the way I should behave to my mother. I have never known anyone like you and I miss you every day. Love, Aviva
Aviva Rosenberg, Family
Nov 20 2011 10:19PM
I am not sure if you want to say I am a friend as I never met Mark. But because of him, my daughter received a scholarship in Mark's memory that was created by his friends. This scholarship helped my daughter achieve her dream to study in Israel for a year. I often think of this young man. Because of Mark and his friends, my daughter realized her dream. Hopefully, one day, I will be able to see the new site in NYC. Iwill definitely find Mark's name and pay tribute to him again there.
Debbie Greene, Friend
Sep 12 2011 11:09PM
Dear Mark: We finally got him. I know it took (probably) 9 years longer than it should have, but we got him. I thought of you today, as I so often do. Mark Stiles and family
Mark Stiles, Friend
May 2 2011 8:15PM
Mark was my dorm counselor in high school. He continues to be remembered. May his memory be a blessing
Yosef Weinstock, Friend
Sep 12 2010 10:37PM
Any suviving member of Mark, please contact me. I have something from our troops in Iraq for Marks family. Trust me, it's kind of cool!!!! Contact me at Hope to hear fom you soon. Lable 'Subject': Rosenberg family 911. God bless you all!
Mark Stiles, Friend
Sep 12 2010 8:18PM
You are in my thoughts this day my friend. I will never forget you. Until the day we meet again, God Bless.
Mark Stiles, Friend
Sep 11 2010 12:01PM
Mark was taken before I truly got to know him -- as the next generation of our family. My heart aches for his young wife, for his mother - my cousin Janet - who will never be the same, for his siblings who lost their leader, for his uncle Neil who deeply misses him on their bike rides and frequent talks together, for his grandmother, and for all those who knew who he was, and know the lost treasure of who he was becoming. Becoming a member myself of the MMC family brings the tragedy closer. I am glad he was surrounded by so many people who loved and respected him.
Laurie Kuslansky, Family
Sep 4 2008 3:57PM
For those of you who never got the chance to meet mark your lives are missing a spark that ignited your sense that you just met someone that was truly passionate. Althought iam sad that i will never again be able to have our long conversations of just about any topic mark found interesting ( and there were a lot of subjects ) I CELEBRATE the fact that I got to meet him and he considered me a friend ! My life has been better for it . At night when your alone with just your thoughs and you look up to the stars ( i know you all do ) and you speak to your loved ones who have passed on to the other side, do as i do and say a litte hello to a guy who was a REAL STANDUP MAN --- HES LISTENING ! Vaya con Dios my friend
AJ Gally, Friend
Sep 4 2008 3:51PM
My prayers and thoughts are with your family. Although I never knew you, I of the same name feel a deep sense of loss having viewed this memorial. Baruch Hashem
mark lawrence rosenberg, Friend
May 30 2008 1:07AM
I don`t know why, but I was thinking about my friend Mark Rosenberg, the same mark I went to camp with perhaps 15 years ago. I have not seen Mark since we were waiters at camp Na-sho-pa, it is likely that I dont remmeber his face. If this is the same Mark I want to say he was the best and kindess friend ever. Imaging a foreign boy, with almost no english and no friends at camp, and he was willing to share and help in everyway possible. I would like to know if this is my friend. If is not my friend I would sure hope that this kind of tradegy won`t repete so we won`t loose valuable and remarkable people as the one being described in this tribune.
Harold T., Friend
Feb 3 2006 6:04PM
I happened to be looking for a job at Marsh McLennan and found this website. I read the tributes to Mark Rosenberg and others and felt compelled to express my sorrow over the loss to his family, his friends, his colleagues and to everyone who lost someone in the 9/11 tragedy. I wish you all the best and may God Bless You.
S.B., Colleague
Jan 28 2006 3:56PM
A shuir room in Yeshivat Ohr Yerushalayim - the Yeshiva where Mark studied in Israel - was dedicated in Marks memory. See the article here:
Ira, Friend
Mar 2 2005 9:24AM
Thank you so much for touching my life, Mark. You have taught me so much, and now I will never be able to repay you. You will never be forgotten. Aryeh Bak
Aryeh Bak, Friend
Oct 14 2004 4:50PM
Dear Mark: Today is February 23rd, 2004, but at times I still feel like it's that Tuesday again. I know we're going on to year 4 since that dreadful day, and yet, I still have difficulty making sound decisions about my life, my career, my future without the wisdom of an older brother. This world is lonely without you -- I am lonely for you. No one can replace the void of my older brother of 3 1/2 years. And it eats away at my heart every day. The picture of the 3 of us, (you, me and Harv), from your wedding day rests peacefully above my bed. I stare at it often, along with a panoramic show of Downtown Manhattan, The Towers still standing proud. It seems like there will be reflective pools which will bear the name of the victims -- how I wish you didn't have to be one of them. But aren't there so many like me. If there is anything you taught me which resonates in my ear, it's this -- never use the word HATE in a 'hated' that. You shared it was a very strong word and couldn't really convey the true emotion I feel. Well, you know what -- I HATE that you're not with me. I HATE that I am turning the same age this year as how you left me -- 26! How am I to turn 26 without you turning 30? Please, tell me... I struggle daily with this, but as I know, tears do little more than stain a shirt -- mascara included. Remember how I used to stain those button down shirts of yours...I am such a good crier. Well, it's February 23rd -- you always knew my birthday was March 8th. I am sorry I ever doubted that. I love you, dear brother... I remember you every day - in my thoughts, my emotions, my actions and my prayers. Peace be with you - Your doting sister, Sara
Sara Rosenberg, Family
Feb 23 2004 7:51PM
I will never forget my cousin Mark's kindness, generosity, and warmth. Mark used to take care of me when he and I were both at camp together. He was a waiter and used to swing by and leave me little gifts like small boxes of cereal. He always was, and always will be, a role model for me. Mark we all miss you and your loss is tragic and profound for me, the rest of the family, and for this entire world. Love, Jordan
Jordan Rosenberg, Family
Sep 11 2003 9:48PM
We miss you Sweet Mark. We hope our son Dovid Leib Mordechai who was born about 3 months ago who has your hebrew/jewish name will be as wonderful as you. Stacey Trencher
stacey trencher, Friend
Sep 11 2003 12:35PM
I love you and miss you Mark
Jennifer Rosenberg, Family
Sep 10 2003 12:51PM
Mark was a great friend as well as a relative. He opened my eyes to different things in life and gave me a greater appreciation for them. on august 26, 2001 i went to our first cousin matthew's wedding, and he told me he had gotten the job u can only dream of for MMC on the 96th floor of the world trade center in tower one. Little did i know it would also be his death sentence. Mark, i thank you for the things you showed me. I will always remember you and the times we shared. And you'll always be talked about every time septemebr 11th rolls around at my school. I took the liberty to talk about today at school, and now the kids at my school have a greater respect for who you were. Love, your little cousin Mordy
Mordechai Frankel, Family
Sep 11 2002 5:44PM
I remember Mark was an energetic person, full of life. While working, he would often pace from his cube to the window and back to clear his head or think out a problem. Sometimes, he would randomly ask me a question or bring up a topic, and we’d get into a long conversation about it. I think Mark was really a people person. He loved to talk; he loved to debate things. Be it sports (which he and Brock did regularly in the mornings), to a current news event, to why he wasn’t very happy with the ending of Shrek and how he thought it sent a bad message to people. And as much as he wanted to debate his point of view, I think he genuinely wanted to hear your thoughts on the subject too. On several occasions, he would tell me a new puzzle or mind teaser he had heard, and then ask me later in the day I had come up with the solution. I looked forward to when he had a new mind teaser, even though I often needed hints from him to solve them. I will always remember Mark as a kind, friendly, animated person and I will miss our conversations/debates on whatever topic we could find on that day.
Advait Deodhar, Colleague
Sep 11 2002 2:09PM