Virginia Anne Ormiston
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In our one month of working together we only ever spoke across the pond by phone so I never saw your smile, but boy did you make me laugh! Thinking of you and your family.
Martin Lucey, Colleague
Sep 11 2019 3:39PM
Remembering you today and missing your smile.
Jeanine (Russell) Gonzalez, Friend
Sep 11 2019 1:18PM
Thinking of you Ginger.
Eileen McGuire, Colleague
Sep 11 2014 9:54AM
Remembering you today, Ginger, my older sister from the Continental US. Even though I can not talk, or see you in this life I know I will see you in heaven. All my love on bahalf of the Ramos Family where GInnger stayed as an exchange Rotary Club sudent. She was my big sister and will enver forget her love to all of us. Blseeings
Enrique (Ricky) Ramos, Friend
Sep 11 2012 12:32PM
Dear Ginger, Even though it's been 11 years now, I still think of you every anniversary of your passing. I remember hearing the news from another co-worker of ours at IBM in 2001, I was stunned and deeply saddened. While we only knew each other for a year or so there, as we started together almost on the same day. I remember after that our having lunch together daily, and how you introduced me to 'Daily Soup' or had ramen at a local Japanese noodle house. I enjoyed your laughter, your humor, and how you were always so full of energy and stories. You made me smile and I enjoyed your company. We worked so close to the World Trade Center at Maiden Lane, I never would have thought such a tragedy would take you away so near there. You lightened up my day and I very much enjoyed your company and our talks about work and sharing our highs and lows, exchanging stories about our families and our children. I still remember the ones you told me. My thoughts and prayers have and always will go out to your son and daughter, your husband and family. with love, Lisa
Lisa K., Colleague
Sep 11 2012 10:19AM
I met GInger when she went to Puerto Rico through the Rotary Club exchange Students. She was my 'older sister' while she stayed at our home. Iwill never forget her laugh. My mother always said that her face shone whenever she laughed or smiled. We lost contact when she left back to the Continental US. I was looking over the net today for her name and found out about her loss. I just want to tell her family how important she was to our family. I know I will meet her again in heaven. Until then, I send her family all our love from the Ramos Family. And, Ginger, will see you in heaven, 'older sis' Until then keep playing your trombone with all the other angels in the heavenly orchestra.
Enrique (Ricky) Ramos, Friend
Jul 5 2012 10:24AM
Ginger, I think of you often. Although I was sure you had been taken that day, it took me years to figure out that your real name was Virginia. I searched through name after name, picture after picture. I clicked on link after link and read bio after bio where I could. I spent hours upon hours searching for you secretly hoping you'd been on vacation that day. And today I finally found you by the notes people posted. I miss you. I miss the lunches we had in the few months we knew each other. You were so lively, intelligent, energetic, optimistic, and full of life. Talking about the things we would change and build, not if but when. I liked laughing with you in the plaza of the WTC on sunny days both of us new in our jobs. People like Ginger don't come along very often. Always cheering others on. Helping. Suggesting solutions before you even know there's a problem. With a quick laugh and a smile. The world needs more people like Ginger. I cannot imagine the pain your family must feel at your loss. You made a big impression in a relatively short time for me. The hole must be unspeakable. I am so immensely sorry for your loss.
Theresa, Friend
Sep 11 2011 10:43PM
Ginger I think of you so often. You were such a dear, sweet friend and I miss you so much. I can still see you in Cancun trying to windsurf - so determined, yet able to laugh every time you fell. You were so kind and fun and a bright light in my life. The world was a better place with you in it. Love you.
Jeanine Russell Gonzalez, Friend
Sep 11 2011 8:22AM
Ginger, Although I never knew you, I know you meant so much to your family. Your entire family has made such an impression on my life and I'm sure that reflects a lot on you. I'm quite sad I never got to meet you becuase I'm sure that you were an amazing wife mom and friend. You have been in my heart since the day I met your son. I know you are in a lot of your family's friends thoughts every day and we all being thinking of you.
Anonymous, Friend
Oct 5 2008 7:34PM
I thought about writing years ago, but it's taken me time to write. Through the emails, I finally understood that 911 had claimed someone I knew, however briefly. I knew Ginger through high school band. I won't expostulate on the qualities she had that made her human above and beyond average; anyone that knew her, know of them. I wish I could do the one thing no one CAN do, bring her back. Her family and friends deserve at least that. Bob
Robert Seastream, Friend
Sep 11 2008 9:22PM
remembering you always...
Mike, Colleague
Sep 12 2006 12:47PM
Dear Ginger, I have thought of you so frequently during this year, and your family as well. Especially your mother and sister. Bound together as a church family, they were both there when my brother died, and then again a few months later when my mother died. It seems so unfair that the kind, gentle faces of the people who were there for my family then, would be forced to endure what they have faced this year. First with your father, and then with you. Where we have heard so much about so many, your name, your memory has been so quiet. I can only think that such silence speaks heavily, and loudly, of unspeakable heartbreak. And it would be unspeakable, for you were so energetic, so intelligent, and so involved with life. I can still see you with your trombone ... as a high school senior about to go off to college ... as someone catching up with me, some years later, at the Peach Festival. Always interested, always friendly and outgoing and endlessly enthusiastic. Most of all, so much like your father ... and there are few better people to be like. You were so, so like him. I keep seeing him welcoming you at Heaven's door, with his quiet, kind, enduring ways. He who worked so hard for so many, for such good, with so little desire for acknowledgement. It is hard to imagine a more welcoming or compassionate heart to greet you. Or, one more needed. And so I think now of you, and him, when I think of the hosts of saints. It is a poignant picture, to think of you and your Dad, and my own family members, who are bound together now in heaven as saints. Yet it is also greatly comforting, to know that such important work is being done by the likes of all of you, good and competent people. Be assured, my trombone-playing, Presbyterian friend, that I will voice your name and see your great smiling face whenever we raise our voices 'For All The Saints.'
Linda, Friend
Sep 11 2002 4:43PM
Ginger was my room-mate our freshman year at Rutgers. I only learned yesterday that she was working in the WTC on 9/11. I remember Ginger as an eighteen year old with wisdom, class, and integrity far beyond her years. My prayers and thoughts are with her family and in particular her children.
Dolores, Friend
Sep 11 2002 4:01PM
Although we never met, I feel like you are a part of my family. You were a role model and a mentor to my daughter and the loss of that relationship is shared with me as well. My thoughts are with your family and we will always remember you.
Doris, Friend
Sep 11 2002 2:18PM
Ginger and I married into the same wonderful family. What a vibrant and loving person she was; always with a quick and ready smile. Oh, and her laugh! You knew it was from the bottom of her heart! One of the best things about seeing Ginger was that I always felt like we were picking up in the middle of a conversation even after months or years of not seeing each other. She and Jim raised two great kids who are wonderful reflections of her -- a true tribute to her. I am very thankful to have known her and to have been part of her life. You will always be in our hearts, Ginger.
Nancy Lyon, Family
Sep 11 2002 1:43PM
Ginger you will always be missed and loved.
Danielle, Friend
Sep 11 2002 12:01PM
Although I knew Ginger just a short time, her great personality really made an impression on me and others. She is missed and thought of frequently.
Laura, Friend
Sep 11 2002 11:23AM
My prayers are with you and with your family.
Decline, Colleague
Sep 10 2002 9:13PM