Steven P. Morello

Family Tribute:Steve Morello loved the twin towers. Steve Morello loved New York City. He loved weekend rides to nowhere special with the love of his life, Eileen. He loved talking to his son, Steven, about music and his brand new grandson Presley. He loved helping his daughter Alfia buy a new car and haggling the price with the salesman. He loved talking about politics or a new Franklin Mint car or shopping with his daughter Jessica. He loved talking about watches and guitars with his son-in-law Victor. He really loved his family. He even loved Jessica’s four pets (though he was highly allergic).

Steve Morello loved his father, his mother, and her lemon meringue pie. He loved his sisters, Kathy, MaryEllen, and Kathleen. He loved his nieces and nephews. He loved his friends, and his friends from work. He loved his neighbors. He loved to dance the mashed potato. He loved washing his car and playing guitar. He loved crossword puzzles and the Daily News. He loved the lottery. He loved to talk. To everyone. He loved looking out his office window at the Jersey City skyline. He loved life. He loved. Steve Morello’s life was taken from us that day, but the love he gave and showed is with us always. He keeps us going. Always on our minds, forever in our hearts.

Steven Patrick Morello, we miss you.

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My mother is a distant cousin of Steven. While in NYC this summer, I visited the 9/11 memorial and took the time to find Steven's picture. I said a prayer for him and the family...I am in the military. I will never forget that day. Thoughts and prayers with you, your family and all the victims on 9/11. God bless.
melissa w, Family
Sep 10 2017 8:38AM
Steve's bright smile , laugh and warm personality will always be remembered On this day, a day that our family especially thinks about the entire Morello family will be a day to remember such a warm and wonderful person. From the time living across the street from my family in Jersey City to travelling to South Florida for our wedding 30 years ago Steve Eileen and your entire family will always hold a very special place in our lives It is our hope you all find peace and happiness in your lives, and we will always have you in our our hearts All our love Ted,Diane Matthew Katie and David Abers
Ted Abers, Friend
Sep 11 2016 2:18PM
Thank you Tom for your message, and thank you to all who comment on this page. It means so much to us to keep my father's memory, and the events that took him from us, alive. Hug your loved ones and never forget.
Jessica Spiers, Family
Sep 11 2016 1:26PM
Over the years, I have posted three or four times on Stevenâs page to remember one of my closest childhood friends who had a strength character beyond his years. For the first time last week, I took my wife and other family to the Memorial. It took a while to find Steven Patrick Morelloâs name; as I touched his name for the first time, I remembered the many stories of my friend Steven and how he touched my heart and soul, even at such a young. My prayers and thoughts will always be with you Steven and your Family.
Tom Borgers, Friend
Dec 2 2015 3:14PM
I didn't know Steven Morello on a personal level, I only worked for his Doctor's office...he was the nicest people I'd ever met and I remeber him every 9/11...I hope his family is staying strong.
Suzanne Donato, Friend
Sep 10 2013 12:35PM
I miss your smile, laugh and gentle heart. You are always in my prayers.
MaryAnn Tinnerello, Colleague
Sep 11 2011 11:50PM
Steve is my sister-in-laws cousin. I knew Steve, his wife and their children, Steven, Alfia and Jessica, as well as his sister and his mother and father. He was a real nice guy, very kind, mellow and easy going and just cool to be around. Every Sept 11th I think of Steve and his family.
Mark Grego, Friend
Sep 11 2011 10:09PM
I love you and miss you Steven very much. This is your aunt Mary, I remember when you were born like it was yesterday. I remember holding you for the first time, so adorable and loving and chubby with lots of hair. You had a big smile in your carriage. You had a great deal of respect and love for me and you became the best man all grown up. You really loved your family and friends so much. You were an exceptional son, brother, nephew, cousin, grandson, husband, father, grandfather, and friend. You are missed by us all and we love you. My love to all in the Morello family. You will always be remembered and in my heart. Love your aunt Mary Morello Pierro
Mary Morello Pierro, Family
Sep 11 2011 9:52PM
Steven Patrick Morello. We will never forget you! As well as all of the victims of this tragic day, we will remember, forever and ever! My heart hurts so badly today and each day when I think of you and your family! I got the honor of meeting you once and it seemed as if I had known you all of my life, so warm and such a handsome man and smile, and your eyes, I remember those eyes! I remember and will never forget the impact you and your family made on me as a young girl. I am a second cousin from California. My nana is the sister to Steven and Kathleen's beloved father Alfio. My mom is Steven's first cousin. I really wish that I had got to grow up close to the Morello family! I do have love for you all even though I really don't know you, all but meeting you that one time around Easter many many years ago. I'm not sure if you remember, but I certainly do. You were all so warm and happy! Aunt Fay, made the best waffles! I wish that I had got to meet Steven Jr., but I have seen pictures and know about your music and your sons, so it seems like I have met you in a way. I just wanted you all to know that I have thought of you every day! I am so glad that I got to meet such an incredible man even for just one day! In that one day, I knew how special he was! I came across this site today as I was paying tribute to Steven and I had to write something. I have admired the love that Steven and Eileen have for one another, how much they adore each other and how close their family is. I wish you all well and you are always in my thoughts and prayers!
Chiara Merino, Family
Sep 11 2011 7:54PM
words cannot describe how much you are missed. you were the kindest, most loving man. So easy to be around you. always looked forward to seeing you..Loved seeing you with your family.. I will never forget you! you are ALWAYS in my thoughts....
tina Infurna Prochaska, Family
Sep 11 2011 3:14PM
On this day and every day we remember the man you were and the legacy you left behind. Truly something special Daddy. Thank you to all the friends and family who have written something in his memory, and to the strangers like Dave Garhart, who do things in his and his fellow 2976 angels' honor. Never forget and long live the Dadu...
Jessie, Family
Sep 11 2011 1:39PM
You are just a beautiful person...
Dina Tichio, Friend
Sep 11 2011 1:24PM
10 years. Still missing... Love you Dad..
Steven Morello Jr., Family
Sep 11 2011 12:19PM
Steven taught me one of the best lessons in life. I was a door salesman and sold all of the door hardware and security hardware to Steven for Marsh. I remember one day looking out the window of his office saying to him that his watch was amazing. I think it was a Rolex. He told me that his wife had bought it for him as a thank you gift with her bonus because he stayed home with the children when they were young while she went to work. I asked him how that felt. He said it was the most wonderful thing that could have happened. He got to know and love his children like most Dads couldn't. He certainly loved his wife and family. He told me about pizza night and playing guitar on the bed with the kids. I later changed careers and when my wife and I had our son I was let go when he was around 2 years old due to the economy. I thought about Steven a lot when I was spending time with my son and having the time to drive him to school and be there for him. I went on a lot of class trips with the Moms and a lot of doctor appointments. It was such a gift to be home with my son. I had part-time jobs and my wife went to work and we held everything together. But one thing I need to mention is that I became a millionaire at heart. Steven Morello helped me through any day that I felt like I was not providing for my family financially as well as I should be. But in the end I was and it was a gift. Thank you Steven for our paths crossing. John Irwin
John Irwin, Colleague
Sep 11 2011 10:40AM
To my friend, neighbor and classmate, On this 9/11/2011, I am lost for words for I know not what to say that would give just tribute to you and just comfort to your wife, children, family and friends. I will always remember you. God Bless you and your family. Your friend, Tom Borgers
Tom Borgers, Friend
Sep 11 2011 10:04AM
I rode in the 2011 America's 911 Tribute ride this year from Shankville, PA. to the Pentagon, and on into New York. It was my honor to ride for Mr. Steven P. Morello. You are not forgotten. May your family find peace.
Dave Garhart, Friend
Aug 27 2011 10:00PM
Steven Jr: We are thinking of you today. Larry & Barb from Old Bridge
Barb Martins, Friend
May 2 2011 12:28PM
Today our forces killed the man who set up my father to be killed. It does not bring him back. But now the world knows that you don't kill men like my father without consequences. He can never be replaced. I love you Dad.
Steven Morello Jr., Family
May 2 2011 12:03AM
It's been too long since the last post. I just want to let everyone know my Dad is still in my thoughts every day. Still missing you, Dad..
Steven Morello Jr., Family
Apr 28 2011 11:13PM
My thoughts are with the family, as they always are. It doesn't have to be just Sept. 11. PLEASE help me contact Steve Jr.!!! We spent several years as good friends here in Atlanta in the mid & late 90's. At some point he moved to South Carolina, and we lost touch. I want so bad, to talk to him again. If anyone can supply me with a phone number, an address, or an e-mail, I would greatly appreciate it! Always in my prayers... Paul Pressley
Paul Pressley, Friend
Sep 12 2010 8:15PM
Worked with Steve at the advertising company before he went to Marsh. Steve was the sweetest. Loved his family and spoke about them often... I used to go visit Steve in his office. He was always cheerful and the nicest guy I knew.
Linda Minucci, Colleague
Sep 11 2010 11:09AM
To the Morello Family I grew up with Stephen in JC we were best friends at age 7-10 . Mr. morello sr. would many times take us to work in his butcher shop in the city. Stephen and i would play ball ride our bikes go to the movies school etc. my aunt lived across the street for him. We moved to the shore in 1961 I lost touch with all the friends I had in JC. About 6 months ago I punched in Stephens name in my computer and realized what happened. I am sorry for your loss I waited until this day to write this. As I remember him he was a great friend. Bob Covello
Bob Covello, Friend
Sep 11 2010 9:35AM
Thoughts and prays to Mr. Morello and his family as I continue to remember what a special person he was.
Seth Mastropaolo, Friend
Sep 10 2010 11:46AM
It's been too long since the last post. I miss my Dad a lot. It's supposed to get easier with age. It doesn't. You were supposed to be here to share this stuff with me. Remembering all you did, Steven
Steven Jr., Family
Jul 21 2010 11:44PM
Thinking of you today... as I always do on this day and remembering what a wonderful man you were. My thoughts are with your family today and I hope they find comfort in the many loving messages left here in your memory. Rest in peace my friend.
LB, Colleague
Sep 11 2009 10:14PM
To the Morello Family: I have posted a few times on Steven’s site. He was one of my best friends for the first 20 years of my life. I always regretted that I lost contact with him when I moved away from Highland Avenue. I have said this in another positing last year that Steven was one of the best friends anyone could ever have because of his genuineness, his caring and his strength of character. Also he was just a great GUY. Steven and his family will always be in my prayers. Tom Borgers
Tom Borgers, Friend
Sep 11 2009 7:55PM
On the eight year anniversary, my thoughts are with Steve's family. May they find comfort and strength. RIP, Steve God Bless America.
Patrick, Colleague
Sep 11 2009 10:58AM
Thinking of the Morello Family today.
Michael Brown, Friend
Sep 11 2009 9:34AM
Never Forget
CUZ, Family
Sep 11 2009 9:32AM
This is Paul Pressley in Atlanta, Ga. I have been trying to contact Steven Jr. for several years now. We were friends when he lived here. If anyone can help me, please e-mail me at: Thank you!
Paul Pressley, Friend
Aug 9 2009 3:02PM
Our family just donated materials to the National 9/11 Memorial Museum that is being built at the World Trade Center, to honor my father. Those who wish to learn more about my Dad will be able to visit, once it opens, and learn more about him, and all of those that were taken from us. Thank you all for visiting my Dad's page. We miss him a lot.
Steven Morello Jr., Family
Jul 31 2009 7:37PM
Although I never met Steven, I knew we were distant cousins through my mother, Marianna Butta Iovieno, who was cousins with Steve's dad, Al Morello. My brother also knew Al from when they worked together at DiFini Originals. We found out about Steve's passing months after 9/11 and my mom (who passed away in August '08 at the age of 92)called Al. She was at a loss for words but she made this very difficult call. Even though we have never met, I and my family want to tell everyone in Steve's family how sorry we are for your loss. After reading the entire 17 pages of tributes, I can see that Steve was a very special husband, father and friend. May he rest in peace.
Maria Iovieno Swieciki, Family
Dec 20 2008 10:48PM
Seven years. It is hard to imagine. I think of the Morello family often, and especially on every September 11th. Eileen, I think of you and your children often. Steve was an amazing person and Joe and I are so fortunate to have had the chance to meet him and know him. I take my two daughters to St. Joseph's Shrine in Stirling where there is a 9/11 memorial - we see Steve's name and pray for him, your family and all those impacted on September 11 every time we visit. I hope that you are all well and know that Joe and I will never forget the kind and wonderful man that Steve was. You are in my thoughts and prayers more than you know. Our love to you and your family. We will never forget. Kelly & Joe Manieri
Kelly Manieri, Family
Oct 15 2008 5:29PM
I deeply regret that I was never fortunate enough to meet Steven Morello. But each and every day I see the intense love and devotion that my husband Steven Jr. has for our boys Presley and Connor and I know that his spirit, his legacy lives on. Thank you... Kristen Bell Morello
Kristen Bell Morello, Family
Sep 15 2008 11:11PM
Eileen, Every Sept 11th Steve, you, Steven, Alfia and Jessica are in my thoughts. I'll never forget Mark Grego
Mark, Friend
Sep 15 2008 12:49AM
Seven years.....We Must Never Forget. My love to all who remember my husband.
Eileen Morello, Family
Sep 14 2008 12:03AM
I miss you so much. You have left us with a great legacy. A wonderful wife and 3 beautiful children and a beautiful grandson. I will always love you for who you are, what you brought to my life, and for bringing Eileen into our family. She has taken care of the family to an extent that would make you so proud of. All my love always
Roseann, Family
Sep 13 2008 1:31AM
Steve JR you and your family are in my thoughts today. I wish you the strength to carry on.
Michael Brown, Friend
Sep 11 2008 1:19PM
I remember when you lived in Old Bridge, moved to Bayonne, and got the job in NYC. You took us all to Windows on the World to celebrate. You were happy. Peace to you and your family. Elizabeth Bollenbacher,
elizabeth bollenbacher, Friend
Sep 11 2008 11:05AM
Eileen and family: I was Steven’s neighbor, class mate, and friend for the first 20 years of my life. We were in the same class at St Aedan’s, St Mary’s and we both are alumni of St. Peter’s. Besides school we were also neighbors. Even though his home was on Highland Avenue and mine was on Van Reypen Street , we shared the same back yard. But most of all we shared a friendship which I told my kids about over the years. One of my closest and most respected friends in my early life was Steven Patrick Morello. Steven and I spent many hours playing ball on our dead end street, walking home from school, going to church and sometimes just doing nothing. Steven was very special to me because of our friendship and the great character he showed me when we were just kids. One of the many stories of Steven was that he taught me how to tell time. It does not sound like a big deal but it meant a lot to me; somehow his lesson reached me where the Dominican sisters could not. However, one of the most touching stories I have of Steven is the bike story. When I was growing up, my parents could not afford to buy bikes for the seven kids. For years, I was riding a bike that I found in the garbage. Steven told me he always felt bad that I had to ride on such a bike and one day when I was about 11 years old, Steven got a new bike and called me over to his house and told me that he wanted to give me his old bike. I remember that I was speechless when he gave me that gift. It was one of the most wondrous gifts that I received in my life. I road that bike every day for many years. Steven’s gift and caring taught me what genuine friendship was really about. The bike story has stayed with me for these many years and I would share this story with my sons many times. It is a simple story about friendship, caring and giving at a very early age. It was a story that I wanted my sons to appreciate that you are never too young to help a friend. I am sure you have many stories about Steven, your husband, your Dad and grand Dad. Steven Patrick Morello and his family will always be in my heart and my prayers for I know that I was blessed to share a few moments with a real friend. Tom Borgers
Tom Borgers, Friend
Sep 11 2008 9:14AM
Thinking of you Cuz
Neil, Family
Sep 11 2008 8:09AM
Eileen, Steven Jr, Alfia, Jessica I saw Chris Cornell on Leno tonight and typed in Steven P Morello into the google search engine. I am shocked and truly heartbroken over your loss. I remember how much love existed in your family. It was me who didn't know how or what it was. I eventually learned through the various losses and suffering I witnessed at work. I came across this poem on a sculpture and never forgot it. It read: 'Weep not, nor speak of me in tears, but laugh and talk of me as I was beside you, I loved you so, twas heaven here with you.' I believe that if Steven could say this to you all, he would. Elizabeth Bollenbacher
Elizabeth Bollenbacher, Friend
Aug 9 2008 2:25AM
Hello: I am trying to contact Steven Jr. If you can help me, please e-mail me with information. Thank you! I honor Mr. Morello every 9-11...
Paul Pressley, Family
Aug 7 2008 12:39AM
I still find it hard to believe you are gone. I think about you always, and I thank you for bringing Eileen, Steven, Alfia, and Jessica into my life. My love for you lives always my dear cousin.
Roseann, Family
Jun 24 2008 11:35PM
Happy Birthday to my Dad. I remember.....
Steven Jr., Family
Mar 17 2008 7:01AM
Thinking of the Morello family, Eileen and Steven Jr. My best wishes to you for Christmas. With love, Gigi
Gigi Sanchez, Friend
Dec 10 2007 1:33AM
Another year has come and gone and I miss you more each day. Funny thing is, I still think you're coming home.
Eileen Morello, Family
Sep 14 2007 8:48PM
Thinking of you Steve and your family. Fight the good Fight.
Michael Brown, Friend
Sep 11 2007 4:23PM
Miss you terribly. love your little cuz ang
Angela, Family
Sep 11 2007 12:18PM
Hey guys, Please keep one thing in mind about today. It is just another day on the calendar. Just because a day fell on September 11th again (as it will again and again until we are all gone) does not make anything any worse than it already is. I know I live with this every day. The 'anniversary' doesn't make us feel any better. Nor should it make us feel any worse. We don' t need a specific day of the year to make us feel sad, We've got 365 every year. Go easy on yourselves, and think good things. We have plenty to remember.................. Steven Morello Jr. Steven Patrick Morello, we miss you.
Steven Morello Jr., Family
Sep 11 2007 1:19AM
Thinking of you Steve. Neil
Neil Calandra, Family
Feb 26 2007 1:37PM
My father, Steven Morello, perished on Sept. 11th. His office was on the 93rd floor of WTC1 (The North Tower). He was with Marsh McLennan. He was supposed to attend a meeting on the 99th floor that morning. Does anyone know if ANY Marsh people called out after the attacks, or were able to escape after the crash? Please let me know if you have any information, or saw my father that day. At this point I am just trying to ascertain his whereabouts during the attack, and to find out if he was living until the building's collapse, or if he went quickly. Any information or even anecdotes on my father would be appreciated. ?Thank you. Steven Morello Jr.
Steven Jr., Family
Oct 23 2006 5:18AM
Five years, and much of the same. Unanswered questions, and a lack of familial center. Five more years of this beautiful person's murder not making nearly the impact it could. So I try to do what every good American should. I question every excuse thrown my way. I wait patiently for November. And I remember. Most of all, I remember......
Steven Morello Jr., Family
Oct 21 2006 2:30AM
Still miss you....Mashed Potato...... thoughts of your smile, and warm hugs all the time.....TRUE FAMILY..... Had a dream about you! First time in 5 years! Will pray to you always. miss you cuz. love Angela
Cousin Angela, Family
Sep 12 2006 9:39PM
Five years, and much of the same. Unanswered questions, and a lack of familial center. And five more yrears of this beutiful person's murder not making nearly the impact it could. So I try to do what every good American should. I question every excuse thrown my way. I wait patiently for Movember. And I remeber. Most of all, I rememner......
Steven Jr,
Sep 12 2006 2:55AM
I often think of you and your family. God Bless.
Deborah Bonomo, Friend
Sep 11 2006 10:06PM
I checked your site today to place an order and was overwhelmed by your loving tribute to your would-be father-in-law, Steven P. Morello. Being from Michigan I grieved 9/ll for my country, but after reading about Steven I grieved also for you and his loving wife, Eileen and daughters Alfia and Jessica. I lost a son in an auto accident in 1997 so I can relate somewhat to losing a part of your soul... May God soothe your hurting hearts.
Elizabeth Blake, Friend
Sep 11 2006 9:57PM
On a recent trip to Sonoma, I had the great pleasure of meeting Jessica, Steve Morello's daughter. She not only was a beautiful young woman but also had a great spirit and in the short time I was with her (we were with a group on an eleven mile bike ride), it became evident that she also loved life. If she is representative of the family, Steve would truly have been proud of his legacy.
Noel Lee, Friend
Sep 11 2006 11:04AM
Thinking of you and your family. God Bless.
Michael Brown, Friend
Sep 11 2006 9:18AM
Missing you Daddy. It seems like just yesterday that I saw your face. Five years too many since I really have. Love you Dadu
Jessica Lo Re', Family
Sep 10 2006 10:31PM
It has been five years since our loved ones were murdered in the World Trade Center and I feel as if it were yesterday. I pray that everyone, everywhere will always feel the same way. It's when we forget what happened on that beautiful September morning, that horrific event that changed all American lives forever, that it will all be in vain. 'WE WILL NEVER FORGET' On this September 11, 2006, I want to sincerely thank everyone who has shared all their wonderful stories about Steve and have expressed their love and respect for him. You will never know how much it has meant to Steven and someday Presley, Alfia, Jessica and Victor and myself. You will always be in my heart and my prayers. God Bless you, Eileen
Eileen Morello, Family
Sep 8 2006 10:31PM
Hey Steve..Thinking about you. That happens most every day since your photo with a yellow ribbon is hanging near my desk rest easy NC
Neil, Family
Sep 8 2006 12:54PM
Happy Father's Day in recognition of an excellent one. I remember..........
Steven Jr., Family
Jun 17 2006 8:14PM
I remember the first time I saw you (1964) ...I remember when you walked with me from Glenwood to Sterling (1965)... I remember speaking with you in front of the Dairy Queen in Belmar (1966)... I remember when you picked me up one winter morning on Kennedy Blvd and drove me to work, hmmmm you looked different(1967)... We bumped into each other alot after that day, I wonder if you knew that it wasn't by chance. You were so easy to talk to. Shortly after that morning, March 10, 1967 to be exact, we were inseparable. From that time I became a different person. I loved being with you. I loved every second of being your wife. I remember.... Steve Morello
Eileen Morello, Family
Jun 1 2006 8:02PM
Jessica, Don't know if you would remember me. My best friend from Schirra School, I was thinking of you and decided to search you online and came across all of this 9-11 info. I am deeply sorry, words cannot even describe how it has hit me to find you this way. You're dad was the coolest! I would love to catch up after so many years. My deepest sympathy to you and your family. Peace to your beautiful father. Brigitte Santos McGuire
Brigitte Santos McGuire, Friend
Feb 23 2006 10:49PM
Each night I go to sleep wondering how...when...and why the decision was made to rip my father out of my life. Each morning I wake up no closer to an answer. It's an exhausting cycle with the middle mostly filled with a sometimes debilitating emptiness. Just so you know, Dad, you are still the biggest influence on my life. You are what drives me. That will never change.
Alfia Lin Morello, Family
Jan 26 2006 8:07PM
I'm still thinking of my Father, and all that has happened. All the time. I'm just not sure what to write anymore. Other than 'I remember....'
Steven Jr., Family
Jan 7 2006 11:58PM
Puff the magic dragon played on the radio ,a butterfly flew by and you were there, in my mind, my heart, forever there, you are not gone just waiting for the rest of us... still love you guys kev.
KEV, Friend
Oct 16 2005 2:27PM
Just a note to let the Morello family know that after September 11, when things in the news die down, I still think of you.
Gigi Sanchez, Friend
Sep 15 2005 5:50PM
I can still hear 'the World Trade Center has been hit by a plane'. We miss you.
Jessica and Victor, Family
Sep 11 2005 2:47PM
Steven Jr., where are you? I have a number that doesn't connect to you and am wondering how things are with you and Presley and your Mom (I have a number that doesn't connect to her either). I'm a columnist for a newspaper now in Washington state and want to include you in my Sept.11, 2005 column and want your ok, if it's okay. I still remember your stories of the mash potato, the homeless guy who gave your Dad money, the silent grin, how you like to rock... -Gigi Sanchez 360.753.8988 (new number)
Gigi Sanchez, Friend
Sep 2 2005 9:20PM
Eileen and Steven: I'm calling and can't reach either of you; do I have the wrong number? Am working as a columnist now for a good paper south of Seattle and have a column for 9-11-05 that I want to quote one or both of you for and use your name(s). Is this okay? Also found a director who I'm meeting with to try and get the play together (it's not easy). Please E-mail. I changed numbers and can E-mail that to you but I don't know that I have the right E-mail address anymore. I am curious how you both are doing. -Gigi Sanchez
Gigi Sanchez, Friend
Sep 2 2005 5:32PM
I came across this 'tragedy' a week or so ago, after searching for Steve(Jr)-a friend of mine-some 25 years ago. We went to middle school together. I thought I`d search for his name and unfortunately came across this. For the short time we knew each other, I considered Steve my 'best' friend of my childhood years. Steve`s family always welcomed me at their home. I can recall Mr. Morello-a young, handsome, 'cool' guy-I couldn`t understand how this good-looking, 'cool' couple could be parents to my friend. I mean my parents(forgive me Mom), were nothing like this. Mr. Morello was the epitome of a 'family man'. He was always positive, friendly, and warm when you saw him. Some fond memories I had were eating over their house(great meals),playing video games after wrestling practice(pacman), watching the SuperBowl together,and good conversation. I always thought the Morello`s were as perfect a family unit as I ever met(including today)-and I suspect Mr. Morello had much to do with that. I hope all of you are beginning to heal. Rob
Rob Danko, Friend
Aug 29 2005 9:47AM
......too long since the last entry. I really don't know what to say anymore. I wish he was here..........
Steven Jr., Family
Aug 17 2005 12:21AM
I am sitting here absolutely dumb-founded, because I was best friends with Mr. Morello's daughter, Alfie. I have often thought of all of you, and just happened to type alfie's name in the search engine. I am so sorry. He was such a sweet man. GOD knows I understand the pain. Alfie, if you see this please contact me. I still thank of you and your family. I love you'll and GOD Bless. Hope Caldwell(Nixon)
hope caldwell, Friend
Apr 15 2005 11:13PM
Miss you daddy. I love you.
Jessica Lo Re, Family
Sep 11 2004 10:24PM
Hey Morello, I'm still here still loving you as if you were too.
Eileen Morello, Family
Feb 26 2004 6:10PM
I kept Mr. Morello in my thoughts 0n 9-11-03. I'm sure it's a hard day for family members. If possible, take solace, in the beauty, of the comfort you give each other. May you have peace of mind. ***If possible, could a family member e-mail me Steven Jr.'s phone numbers again. My cell phone lost it's entries. I would certainly appreciate it. I am still trying to contact him. It's amazing how much I see Steve Jr., in his father. Again, I'd appreciate Steve Jr.'s #'s. Thank you! Paul Pressley
Paul Pressley, Friend
Sep 12 2003 5:44PM
Sep 11 2003 9:13AM
First I want to say I am so sorry for your loss. I had the pleasure of working with Steve at Lehn & Fink in Montvale, NJ. He always talked about his girls and how beautiful they were. I use to love to look at his pictures. He loved his girls and it showed in that wonderful smile of his. Eileen, you were a huge part of his life and he was so proud of you and how you raised his children. Just remember that he will always be with you as he lives on through his children. It maybe a walk, a smile, a laugh, but something in both Alfia and Jessica will remind you of him. You will take a step back and hug them both for he will always live on through them. May God Bless you all. He was a wonderful man.
Vickie Dispoto, Colleague
Sep 11 2003 8:38AM
It's been two years since Steve was taken and he still lives on within his children, and grandchildren. Thank God we can still be blessed with his wonderful smile and sense of courage through them. May God Bless his family today and everyday.
Vickie Dispoto, Colleague
Sep 11 2003 7:47AM
It's been two years and I thought about Steve today as well as many others that we've lost. I remembered meeting the family (wife, daughters, son, daughter-in-law and grandson) last year at the luncheon and remember also how saddened that I was to have to meet family this way though I was glad to have had the chance to meet them at all. Steve was a forever smiling man who I ran into regularly on elevator trips around the building. Most of our conversations, other than the times when I would actually pick up the phone and badger him for some office thing, were during two minute rides in the elevator or as the doors were closing as he passed on the way down and I was on the way up. The first time I ever had contact with Steve was when he was still working at Guy Carpenter and Marsh had yet to move to WTC. I was given his name by an executive secretary who said he was the man to go to for all facility things related. And he was. I remember how pleased I felt when I heard that he had joined the Marsh team as I saw his arrival as a welcomed addition to the facility group. Steve was always a trooper - he listened to me moan and groan over late response times, broken chairs, dirty conference rooms, missing plants and, I admit, my frustation with others. He listened with a smile, a bit of humor and always with an 'I'll take care of it'. And I always knew he would. So now, two years later, I know he is 'still taking care it'. Taking care of his family and loved ones because that was the type of man that he was and he wouldn't have it any other way. I know it's not easy and I know we can never forget but I wish for you, his family, all the peace in the world and all the love that Steve would want for you. We haven't forgotten him either.
Anita Chung, Colleague
Sep 10 2003 12:56PM
Our 35 Anniversary just passed. I can't say anything else but I love you darling and I'm still not comfortable without you here. 2003 as in 1968, Your wife, Eileen
Eileen Morello, Family
Sep 3 2003 2:22PM
Hey Steve i was talking to a friend of mine and he asked me who was the best person i ever worked for and hands down it was you. It made me think of all the good times we had while we were moving all the people all over the place.... I will always remember our good time..... Rest in Peace Friend..... LOVE Dennis
Dennis Milne, Friend
Aug 5 2003 1:22PM
I miss you, I love you, and I would love to see your face. It's me. I want to say so much but I think my thoughts are privite. In my dreams darling
Eileen Morello, Family
Jul 29 2003 3:09PM
There is not a day that goes by that I don't think of you.
Dina Tichio, Friend
Jul 23 2003 12:23PM
Hey Dad. I wanted to tell you that lately I've been seeing a lot of you in me. Especially when I watch Presley hug me in the mirror. He gives your picture kisses. And when he sees pictures of the towers, he says, 'That's Grandpa's house.' I can't tell you, though. I have to resort to this. Unless of course St. Peter hooked you up with an A.O.L. account. If that's the case,.... I miss you terribly. And there is so much I wish I could share with you. That's all. I'll catch you later...........Steven
Steven Morello Jr., Family
Jul 9 2003 5:47PM
Missing you too much.
Jessie, Family
Jun 9 2003 9:24PM
Happy Easter from the Easter bunny. Love you Daddy.
Jessica, Family
Apr 20 2003 12:43PM
Steve happy belated birthday... I still think about you till this day. god bless you steve..
Dennis Miln, Friend
Mar 27 2003 1:55PM
It's your 54th today. Oh happy day. I miss you. Love you papa don't preach.
Jessie, Family
Mar 17 2003 9:52AM
Just a hello to my daddy. Missing you
Jessie, Family
Feb 20 2003 5:58PM
A year has passed, another Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year. I am amazed at the slightest mention of Steve in someone's conversation fills my day with joy. Joy like I would feel when I would wait for him by the Gap to go home together on the Path. I would catch sight of him and I was ready to start the 'real' part of my day. I have found ways to suppl ement the sight of him, his voice..thank God I can still hear it. His touch, well that's gone. So many wonderful and well meaning people try to encourage me to go on...just as I'm sure many of you are dealing with, I'm scared to death that sooner or later I will go on. Sometimes I feel as I haven't seen or spoken with Steve in years and maybe I'm losing the urgency. I'd rather cry every once and a while and so what if I'm not cheerful or bubbly, with 33+ years of memories and keeping myself active, my future does not seem so bad. Although, I do insist of taking Steve with me on my journey. I'm hoping this will help Steve rest and find the peace he deserves after what he has been through.
Eileen M Morello, Family
Jan 3 2003 2:33AM
We miss you today and everyday.
Jessica and Victor Lo Re, Family
Jan 1 2003 5:14PM
hey cuz................give Aunt Mary and Uncle Sonny a hug for me
neil, Family
Dec 19 2002 9:18AM
Dear Steve: I know you are looking down from above so I know you are reading this. I only met you once, nearly six years ago. You came to meet your Wife, my dear friend, Eileen, for lunch down on Wall Street, and she introduced me to you. Secretly, I had heard so much about you from Eileen, that I felt I already knew you. Eileen and I sat next to each at Goldman Sachs and she was one of my first true and only friends, even nearly seven years later. She mentioned you every single day - you were her King, her All - the most amazing Husband in the world. I was only 25 years old at the time and I remember wishing I hope one day I find a love like Eileen. I also remember thinking that she was so beautiful and stylish and that I hoped when I was her age, I looked as good. Like I said, she talked about you everyday in the most amazing manner and then when I met you and saw you and her together on the street, I remember thinking 'Wow! He is as handsome as she said he was!' and you were also very charming. Even though I never really knew you, I knew your Wife and she is an amazing woman as I'm sure you know. Please always watch over her and talk to her and guide her and give her the strength to carry on because her spirit is still amazingly young and I know God is not finished with her and she has not given all she has to the world - I know because she gave so wisdom to me. I love you Steven, because you loved my dear friend, Eileen and because I love her too.
Karen Ebanks, Friend
Nov 16 2002 12:37AM
Today is Monday, October 28, 2002. I haven't seen your face or heard your voice since 7:00am on September 11, 2001. I still can't get a grip on what happened. No group, no matter what their problem, has the right to do this to a wife, children, grandchildren. Is this putting it simply enough.
Eileen Morello, Family
Oct 28 2002 4:03PM
I miss you Dadu.
Jessica, Family
Oct 24 2002 7:23PM
Yesterday marked the one year anniversary that you were taken from us. Not a day goes by that you aren't in my thoughts and prayers. God Bless you and your family!!!!
Dina Dakis (Tichio), Colleague
Sep 12 2002 11:17AM
Daddy, We went to the Marsh luncheon and met some of your co-workers, Anita, Terry, and Miah's family. It was wonderful to hear Daddy stories. I miss you terribly and I hate that you are gone. Wish you were here. I love you so much and thank you for loving me so much.
Jessie, Family
Sep 11 2002 9:24PM
Steve just wanted to send a pryer to you on your 1st year in heaven..... And if i know you the way i did i am saying you already have your wings.. My god bless you and your family. Love your Friend
Dennis MIlne, Colleague
Sep 11 2002 9:06AM
Steve was a great guy and always, always, always, pleasant and smiling. I had the pleasure of working with him in Guy Carpenter and he was always sweet and careing. He will be missed and my prayers are with his family and friends. Sincerely, Ro
Roseann Pirozzi, Colleague
Sep 10 2002 11:05AM
Hey Steve.....thinking of ya! :) Neil-0
Neil Calandra, Family
Jul 13 2002 3:48AM
Daddy, I just wanted to say Happy Father's Day. You are truly one in a zillion and I feel so fortunate to have had you as my Daddy. Today has sucked and I wish you were here with us. I miss you immensely. I love you, Love the little one
Jessica Lo Re, Family
Jun 16 2002 11:03PM
To my husband, Steve Please know that I am in search for a way to see through all this madness. Day is gone and night is come, And God in his heaven sits. He watches over the world below, And in his eye amusement glints. One by One, he lights the stars on high. To wondering humans in the world below, He shows his glory in the sky. Now all is well! All is not well. Not with the world or with the sky or with me.
Eileen Morello, Family
May 20 2002 11:11PM
This was one of the best Bosses a young kid like me could ask for he was very helpful to everyone of us and always had our back no matter what came down he always wanted to know our side before anything. I loved this man and i know he stood back in that building through all that mess and made sure every person was calm and tried to help them before he made his exit. I work right accross the water and all i could think about when those towers tumbled was my boy Steve. I went home and told my mom that i may have lost alot of friends to this horrible act but i will miss Steve the most. Because he was not only a great supervisor but also a great friend to me. I know he is up in heaven right next to the lord and looking down on his two BEAUTIFUL daughters and also his BEAUTIFUL wife. I never really met his wife but Knew the love he had for her was real. Steve i will always have a place in my heart for you and may you rest in peace. It was faith that i went to the Nets game last night and the lord blessed me with the chance to run into ALfia and Jessica. If you girls ever need anything i will be more then willing to help you out. Just email me @ And i will be there. Love Always Dennis MIlne. L
Dennis Milne, Colleague
May 16 2002 12:02PM
Guitar playing stairway to heaven climbed the ladder from the tallest tower among the clouds smiling down on your little girl in her gown No more Lotto No more weekend bagels No more Daily News No more footsteps on the hardwood floor No more long stories to ignore It's not my parents anymore just my mommy traveling about I'm sad and lonely staring at the skyline every night hoping to see once again your light
Jessica Lo Re, Family
May 7 2002 8:54PM
I miss your smile, your hugs and your honesty. I love you! Angela
Angela, Family
May 1 2002 11:22AM
As I am writing this tribute your picture is half visible, so I can seen your face. This is the picture your wife/my sister, keeps on her bedside table. I commented to her recently that you are looking at the camera in a way that causes your eyes, oh those beautiful eyes, to follow whoever is looking at it (and I would bet my last dollar that you planned it just that way). Seven months later and it is no easier, seven years later it will still be no easier. Getting to know my sister and her children all over again has changed my life in such a good way. Hearing what a wonderful husband and father you are has caused me to strive for so much more (and I am so certain that is what you would want for me and my children. But from the bottom of my heart I tell you this (and I know you can hear me), I would stay right where I am and make the best of it if only you could still be here with my sister. Eileen and I just came back from a wonderful vacation - I have never heard her laugh as hard as she did on 'Tower of Terror'. People asked about the ribbon she wears with your picture on it. She would smile and say 'I lost my husband at the WTC'. I know there is no easy way to respond to that, but in my heart I know she hasn't lost you. Presley left a message for Eileen - 'hi Guama', but I know you know all these things because I know you are watching her very closely. I am trying to do my part down here to make sure she's ok - and I know you are doing your part up there. You are so loved! Your sister(-in-law) Mini Loni
Mary Ellen Clark, Family
Apr 28 2002 11:03PM
Steve was the most amazing person I have ever met. He spoke highly of every person that affected his life on a daily basis - whether it be going to work with his daughter, planning his daughters wedding, their changing careers,his pets, his car,his grandson, all of his collections that he use to receive at Guy Carpenter (and boy we're there alot) but he was so excited about life and living it. Steve was my boss for quite a few years and it was great to know as a boss as well as a friend. I am so grateful for those conversations we use to have and while I was going to school I was so stressed out about the classes I was taking and he was the one that sat me down and influenced me to stay in school and I did. He will always have a place in the hearts of the people who knew him...
Dina Tichio, Colleague
Apr 17 2002 11:40AM
For almost 4 years, I traveled to work with my dad to the WTC. We both worked in tower 2. We started our jobs within two weeks of each other. I still remember how exited I was just at the prospect of being with him each day. I moved on and Daddy moved to tower 1. He was happy for me and was excited to be experiencing his new location. I wish more than anything that I could turn back time to somehow be with him. For now I drive his car (and swear I feel him) and look at my eyes (which I get from him)just to hold on to his memory. A part large of me disappeared with my Dad on September 11. Now I go on simply to make sure noone else will ever forget him. But, I am certain that anyone who knew him, for however long (or short) will. With all the love you gave me, Daddy, Alfia
Alfia Morello, Family
Apr 9 2002 11:06PM
When I think of my husband I can't help but smile. We had 33 years together and we lived every one of them to the fullest. Steve made every day an adventure. The memory of his sparkling green eyes and loving nature will stay with me until the end of my days. Now with my children and my grandson, I will live my days to the fullest, if just to keep his memory alive. I miss my husband. I would give my life for one more smile, kiss, touch or laugh.
Eileen Morello, Family
Apr 6 2002 2:19PM
Daddy, I miss you. Very much. I love you and I know you're watching me. Papa don't preach. Long live the dadu!
Jessica Lo Re, Family
Apr 5 2002 7:02PM
Steve will be missed by many. He was a very sweet man and would always speak very highly of his family. I would often see him on the bus and train going to work in the morning, (when I was on time) and he was always in a good mood. He was very excited about his daughters wedding and spoke very highly about his new future son in law. I used to play jokes on him in the office around the holidays and he was always such a good sport. He always said he was going to get me back. Steve will be missed dearly.
Mary Cherchio, Colleague
Apr 4 2002 2:59PM