Stanley McCaskill
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I recall our times on the MMC Basketball team and how I would kid you around the office....Rest in Peace and hope to see your smile again.
Christian Wise, Colleague
Sep 11 2019 1:23AM
Stan, we love you. You'll never leave our hearts
The Call Family, Friend
Feb 7 2011 8:16AM
Had the pleasure of being a friend and coworker of "Stan the Man", that's what we call him at Alexanders at 4 WTC, where we use to work. Stanley was definitely one of Gods angels, a brother who would give you his last. And if Stanley liked you he deemed you cousin. I was proud to be declared cousin, and miss this wonderful brother! RIP "Stan the Man"
Frank May, Friend
Sep 11 2009 10:22AM
Any McCaskill should feel loss in this situation. Say it loud, say it proud...
John McCaskill, Friend
Jul 13 2007 12:23AM
I did not know him, but because we have the same name I feel a unique closeness to him. It is just a Blessing to know that he did touch the lives of his family members. May God continue to Bless you all.
Stanley McCaskill, Colleague
Oct 13 2006 1:39PM
On September 11th the world lost an angel and didn't even know it. I'm so sorry that the rest of the world has slighted because they will never get the chance to be touched by such a special person as Stanley. Stanley was a man that had the heart of a saint and walked all of his life in love and peace. He was understaning beyond understanding and had the patience of Job. He wasn't one that talked much, but he never had to. Whenever you talked he listened with such an endearing look in his eyes that you always felt his love. He will be missed and never forgotten. I will always picture him holding our family in his arms and wiping our tears as he whispers that he's alright. In that thought our family takes courage and holds tight to all the wonderful memories of him. Wallicia McCaskill (Cousin)
Wallicia McCaskill, Family
Mar 8 2003 10:51AM
I didn't know Stanley personally but as a colleague and Christian I would like to extend my condolences to his family and I pray that he is resting peacefully, waiting for us to join him in heaven. With love, Michael Cantatore
Michael Cantatore, Colleague
Feb 3 2003 1:46PM