Cheryl Ann Monyak
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Cheryl and I became friends in the 1980’s when we were both single in Los Angeles. We were living fun times in the insurance business. We had such great adventures and she was a wonderful friend. I was saddened beyond belief on 9/11/2001 when I learned of her tragic passing because of the terrorist attracts. A life cut short. A beautiful soul. I think of Cheryl often and certainly each 9/11 that comes Linda Leigh Long
Linda Leigh Long, Friend
Sep 12 2019 2:24AM
Cheryl was my boss over 20 years ago while we worked at an Aon company in Universal City, CA. She was tough, but extremely supportive. I was so young, but she treated me like I could be the most amazing woman ever if I just worked hard enough. I’ll never forget when I saw her name scrolling on the television just after 9/11. It’s 2019 now and she still comes to my mind out of nowhere. Much love to her memory and to her family. May we never forget.❤️
Shawna Williams (née Gutierrez), Colleague
Aug 5 2019 4:17AM
I rode on America's 911 Memorial Ride (final ride this year for 15th Anniversary) for Cheryl. I did not know her before. I did the ride for all. But then I read about her. My ride became personal. I believe I know something about her. I am proud to have ridden for her and to keep her memory alive. Thank you Cheryl for your bright light in the lives you touched. God Bless.
Bob Coit, Friend
Aug 22 2016 11:29AM
Thank you Cheryl for your friendship and all the great memories at Universal Studios. We had the time of our lives in Universal Florida. I will never forget.
Mary Elizabeth "Beth" Jensen, Colleague
Sep 11 2018 7:08PM
Cheryl, Your family and friends will forever be in my heart. I will never forget your wit, your charm, your laugh! I am truly honored to have known you. With Love, Beth
Beth Jensen, Friend
Sep 11 2014 12:43PM
Your smile and energy are very much missed.
Ward Ching, Colleague
Sep 11 2014 10:32AM
13 years , Looking back on the time we shared together,going too the Santa Monica pier at 4a.m.with my son to watch the fireworks at sunrise and the Hollywood Bowl on the 4th. of July. Lot's of great times . I'll always have a spot in my heart for you :)
alan l. myers, Friend
Sep 11 2014 9:36AM
After all these years, I still think of her and remember her fondly. A true professional with a collaborative way about her.
Denise Dimin, Colleague
May 15 2014 9:38PM
Words are still impossible. I miss you is such an understatement. I can't tell you how often I just shake my head and say out lout 'Cher, I wish you were here.' What a great and loving friend...I was so lucky. I toast you tonight. Here's to all the wonderful, wacky times we shared! All my love always. Martha
Martha Ambros, Friend
Sep 11 2012 9:22PM
Cheryl, As the rest of us, we all sadly remember that day 11 years ago. Our last names are similar, and a blood line might exist. I never knew you, but I feel as if I know you. Related or not, my continued condolances to your loved ones. My sister's name is 'Anne' and my brothers' is 'Michael' PEACE
Patrick Dennis Manyak, Family
Sep 11 2012 1:55PM
Been so long..Yet I can see your smile. You never pulled any punches and I respected you for that. Wish Miranda and Corinne could have known you more..have no fear we remind them. There is a tree planted in the yard in your name. Love..miss you and can always use a conversastion with you
Michael Monyak, Family
Sep 11 2012 9:07AM
Cheryl and I were in 4th grade together at St. Mary's School in New Hartford, CT. She was the first girl I ever had a crush on and so became part of the narrative of my life. The last I talked to her was probably in the late 60s. When I heard of her passing on 9/11 it took a part of my past away and it still hurts. Your smile and energy are still with me in 2011. Next time I am home in CT I will visit the bench erected in your name in New Hartford were you grew up. We miss you so very much.
Tim Phelan, Friend
Sep 12 2011 7:36AM
I can't believe 10 years have past. I think of her often, especially on 9/11. I miss her terribly, and the close friendship that we had. I recently got married and felt a void not having her be part of my wedding day. I have shared many stories of Cheryl with my new husband and wish they could have met. There will always be a piece of my life missing without Cheryl in it. She was my best friend.
Elyse Filderman, Friend
Sep 12 2011 3:14AM
Hi my name is Araceli, I live in Downey Calif. Today I attended mass at Olph & we were ask to draw a name from a basket at the exit doors. The names we were drawing were of people that had passed away on 9/11. I drew Cheryl Ann Monyak's name and I will pray for her, her family & friends who were personally touched by her unfortunate passing. I am honored to be doing this. Thank you for this memorial page that is permitting me to see her beautiful face and her precious girls. God Bless you all!
Araceli Terrones, Friend
Sep 11 2011 4:29PM
I will never forget our trip to Florida with Annie. We had so much fun hooking up with Mike Burmeister when he was working on Edward Scissor Hands. Our canoe ride through the shallow waters infested with crocodiles and you making sure that it would be alright! You were so much fun to work with in Risk Management at Universal. I will never forget your smile, your laugh, your passion for life! We will miss you, Cheryl, always and forever. Love you! Beth
Mary (Beth) Boyd-Jensen, Colleague
Sep 11 2011 3:25PM
It's been 10 years and I still see that great smile of yours .
Alan L. Myers, Friend
Sep 11 2011 7:41AM
I met Cheryl and helped train her in Travelers National Account Dept in Hartford may many years ago around 1980. She had completed her MBA at UCONN, and was hired by our department in Hartford. She spent two or three weeks with various Account Executive as part of her training. She was so much fun to work with and you could tell that she was going to be a great success. On Fridays we all would go out to Happy Hours at the local bars, and I will never forget her comment to me when I was checking out a pretty young lady at the bar, 'Down Boy, Down Boy'. You could tell that she was a class act.
Brian Neville, Colleague
Sep 10 2011 1:17PM
Cheryl, It has been 20 years since I worked with you at MCA INC. in Risk Management. I will never forget our trip to Florida with Annie. I still look at the pictures of our trip and how much you made us all laugh and smile. You had so much energy! It was hard keeping up with you. I think of you often and your memory will never be forgotten.
Mary Beth Jensen, Friend
Sep 11 2009 12:04PM
Cheryl, I was just thinking how much you would have loved web 2.0. You would have been staying up late to keep your twitter, facebook and linked in account humming. Miss you mucho! xo Fay
Fay Feeney, Friend
Apr 8 2009 1:30AM
My daughter is visiting UConn right at this very moment celebrating her 30th birthday. She currently lives in Hermosa Beach,CA, but 30 years ago, she was born in Connecticut, and we lived in a salt box cape home on Storrs Road. I worked at the University of Connecticut and met Cheryl Monyak. WOW! My life would never be the same. We worked together in the School of Business and later in UConn's Office of the Vice President of Finance. She worked as my student assistant while she was attending grad school. Cheryl even babysat my daughter, Sarah, from time to time. When she moved to California, I was only able to connect with her twice. I didn't even know she had moved back East again until I heard the terrible news. I think of you often,Cheryl, and will never forget your laugh, your wit, your charm, your beauty, your honesty to high morales, your friendship. I remember one time driving together in my car, and I was complaining about a noise in my car. You said, 'Oh, I know how to fix that.' I was amazed. Then you reached over and turned my radio louder, and said 'There, no more noise!' I have told many people about that story, and have laughed so much over that! I will never ever forget you, dear friend. Love, Gloria
Gloria Hill, Friend
Oct 5 2008 3:27PM
You will always be in my Heart and Mind ! Alan L. Myers
Alan L.Myers, Colleague
Sep 11 2008 9:02AM
You were so vibrant and full of life. The last time I saw you, you made me laugh so hard. I'll never forget that moment, or you.
Lori Palermo, Colleague
Sep 11 2007 9:03AM
It is hard to believe that it has been 5 years. I think of you all the time. Cheryl, you were loved by all, your laughter and your smile will never be forgotten.
Beth Jensen, Friend
Sep 11 2006 8:29PM
Cheryl, I think about you often. Whether it is five years or fifty, you'll always be remembered for being such a great person to everyone you meet.
Kurt Sendlein, Friend
Sep 11 2006 5:38PM
I am thinking of you, Cheryl, on this 5 year anniversary. How can it be that is has been this long? Your sense of adventure, your warmth and energy, your fun ways--still those are with those of us who had the great pleasure to know you. We won't ever forget.
Terri Sutphin, Colleague
Sep 11 2006 1:15PM
Cheryl we have a picutre of you & Gwenn in our kitchen. The two of you are somewhere in Italy. We tell Cheryl stories often, and I can always hear that laugh of yours. We love you, miss you and are blessed to have you in our hearts.
Dan Willcoxon, Friend
Sep 11 2006 9:59AM
I cannot believe that 5 years have passed since we lost Cheryl. She continues to be a part of each day of my life. Cheryl approached each day with the desire to make it as good as it could be. She truly brought out the best in people. I am forever greatful to have had her as my friend. I try to honor her by living my life with some of her positive and ineffectious enthusiasm! I miss you, Cher! Martha
Martha Ambros,