Bernard Mascarenhas

Family Tribute:Eulogy given by Sven Mascarenhas, Bernard’s son, at the Memorial Service for Bernard on October 11, 2001 at St. Michael’s Cathedral in Toronto, Canada.

On behalf of my mother and sister, I would like to thank all of you for attending this service. From family to co-workers to friends, we appreciate all of you making the time to come here from around the world. I’d like to think that dad would have been happy to know that he touched so many people in a positive way. Our thanks to all our family and friends who have been here for us. I would also like to thank all at Marsh Canada who have done everything possible to ease our pain and provide tremendous support to us.

Today marks a month to the day of my father’s death in the World Trade Center disaster. It has been the most painful and frustrating month of my life; a sentiment that I’m sure extends to a great many people in this church today. Your presence here is a reminder to me that, rather than dwelling on dad’s death, we must instead celebrate the full and joyous life that he lived. We must celebrate a life filled with compassion, humility and especially love. Love for my mother, his wife of 23 years; love for my sister and myself. He treasured his family above all other things in his life, a fact that he reminded me of several times. He took special joy in watching Jaclyn grow up; not having him there at her graduation was the first time I was faced with the full magnitude of losing him.

Although he told me to always value my formal education, it will be the things he taught me that I’ll hold most dear. He taught me the meaning of humility, taught me to never rub my successes in the faces of others. He lived his life by that credo, to the point that many of his closest friends had no idea just how successful he was in his professional life. That applied to me, as well.” Dad could barely bring himself to say anything even when forced – he once told a Pearson customs officer that he worked in systems and didn’t feel as if it was necessary to say anything else. It was only as I grew older and got a better idea of his work that I really understood what he had accomplished in such a short time, and my respect for him grew further.

While many here knew Bernard on that professional level, I dare say that he was more effective as husband and father. He gave us all we could ever want, and we’d finally arrived at the type of life that he must have dreamed of upon immigrating to Canada in 1978. At the very least, he provided my sister and I with constant amusement, although very little of it was intentional on his part. The best – and, sadly, last – example spans a great deal of the last decade. As most of those closest to him know, during the past few years dad developed what, quite frankly, my sister and I considered to be an unhealthy fascination with the game of Bridge. He usually spent quite a bit of his rare free time either reading a new book on Bridge or reading the Bridge column in the Star. He never actually played a game, mind you – just studied it. At some point over the past summer, while watching him play yet another game against his three invisible friends, Jaclyn suggested that he try finding a game on the Internet. His response could have been taken straight out of a Kevin Smith script: “you can play cards over the Internet?” Not exactly what you’d expect from a managing director who did his work in “systems.”

After much fumbling – how anyone got any work done in Marsh with dad continually asking them questions always amazed me, because it was a skill I never mastered – I managed to get him set up with an account on Yahoo, and he set to work. We barely saw him for the next 24 hours, so engrossed was he with playing Bridge online. I didn’t really talk to him until the next day, when he came into my room with a strange combination of happiness and sadness on his face. When I asked him what had caused him to stop playing bridge, he informed me that it wasn’t his idea, but that no one would play with him any more! It seems that all the years of studying the game had paid off, as he was simply better than anyone on Yahoo and was now scaring them off. The expression on his face when he said that is something that I find myself remembering more and more now, because while he may have been upset, the knowledge that all those years of study had worked out brought so much joy to his face. That’s how I think I’ll remember him, and that’s the story I’ll tell my children and grandchildren when they ask what my father was like.

There’s so many other things I could say about dad – his love of sports, both those of his homeland and those he picked up on when he moved to Canada. His continual pushing of me to do better, as he knew and believed in his heart that I could be. His sense of justice, of always making sure that people less fortunate than he was were taken care of. He may have lived in Canada, but he never forgot nor let us neglect our roots. His active role in our community, always trying to help someone out when they fell on hard times. His bravery after losing his own father in 1997, and the way he took care of his mother in the difficult months afterwards – all behaviors I hope I can emulate in some form.

Husband, father, brother, son, friend, colleague. All are words that can be justifiably be used to describe Bernard Mascarenhas; I cannot begin to determine which one should be held above the others. All I know for sure is this: I will miss him every second of my life.

Eulogy given by Mr. John Chippendale, President & CEO Marsh Canada Ltd. at the Memorial Service for Bernard on October 11, 2001 at St. Michael’s Cathedral in Toronto, Canada

Every so often, we cross paths with individuals who are very special in genuine ways:they thrive on giving, and don’t worry about receiving;they have a specific purpose, which is understood by all;they challenge themselves mentally and, therefore, emotionally;they enjoy helping others become confident and grow tall; andthey never take the easy way out.Bernard has all of these qualities.

I, and my Marsh colleagues, will sincerely miss Bernard as a true friend, with an incredible brain . . . but will GAIN an unforgettable memory of a role model, whom we will forever aspire to emulate. We can now begin to realize Bernard’s legacy . . . and I can assure you he is appreciative and keenly watching over us.

As we continue to try to make sense of, and come to grips with, this horrific tragedy, we should remind ourselves that Bernard has much to be proud of . . . And I would like to read a short quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson, which I believe epitomizes this:

“To laugh often and much;I think it is appropriate at this service and Mass to also remember our other Marsh colleagues and their families who were victims of the World Trade Center and airline attacks.Bernard Mascarenhas: An Anonymous BenefactorBernard Mascarenhas was a zealous bridge player, an executive who had risen steadily up the corporate ladder, and a man who liked to take it easy on weekends with his wife and two kids. But it was what he was not known for that is worth remembering as well.Deeply committed to education, Mr. Mascarenhas, 54, used to make anonymous donations to a number of different charities, in particular to scholarship funds. Among his causes, he would send anonymous scholarship donations to his native Pakistan, to assist Roman Catholics, a religious minority in that country.Mr. Mascarenhas’s influence was felt in the corporate world too. He was the chief information officer at Marsh Canada, a subsidiary of Marsh & Mclennan, in Toronto, and was in New York for a meeting on Sept. 11.Mr. Mascarenhas’s work on computer systems at the company was known as particularly innovative and wound up being used not only in Canada but in Marsh offices around the world. 'He made sure everything he worked on was a first-class product,' said Thomas J. Grimes, managing director at Marsh Canada. Copyright (c) 2001 by The New York Times Co. Reprinted by permission.

to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children;

to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends;

to appreciate beauty, to find the best in others;

to give of one’s self;

to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition;

to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived.

This is to have succeeded.”

I think it is appropriate at this service and Mass to also remember our other Marsh colleagues and their families who were victims of the World Trade Center and airline attacks.

Bernard Mascarenhas: An Anonymous Benefactor

Bernard Mascarenhas was a zealous bridge player, an executive who had risen steadily up the corporate ladder, and a man who liked to take it easy on weekends with his wife and two kids. But it was what he was not known for that is worth remembering as well.

Deeply committed to education, Mr. Mascarenhas, 54, used to make anonymous donations to a number of different charities, in particular to scholarship funds. Among his causes, he would send anonymous scholarship donations to his native Pakistan, to assist Roman Catholics, a religious minority in that country.

Mr. Mascarenhas’s influence was felt in the corporate world too. He was the chief information officer at Marsh Canada, a subsidiary of Marsh & Mclennan, in Toronto, and was in New York for a meeting on Sept. 11.

Mr. Mascarenhas’s work on computer systems at the company was known as particularly innovative and wound up being used not only in Canada but in Marsh offices around the world. 'He made sure everything he worked on was a first-class product,' said Thomas J. Grimes, managing director at Marsh Canada.

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Still remember Bernard fondly. I remember arriving in NYC Times Sq a couple weeks after the horrific event, I worked for Mercer HR and was part of the IT early recovery assistance. The folks working at the Marriott Hotel Times Square front desk saw I worked for MMC, and immediately asked if I knew Bernard. When I started speaking of him, many of the hotel staff gathered around and spoke so highly of him. A lot of crying. He had a positive impact well beyond his job and family. Great for me to have known him.
Ray MacDonald, Colleague
Sep 11 2019 2:37PM
Once again, I am able to honour and remember you. I still remember the first time we met. You, the Customer and me, the new Service Director. You were kind, you were welcoming - and you gave me so much inspiration with your thoughts and comments. I carried your inspiration throughout my career. Thank you Bernard.
Su Bianco, Colleague
Sep 11 2019 4:59AM
Bernard you were an exceptional person and boss and still remember the guidance you provided for our team. I miss you. God bless your memory. Andres Felipe
Andres Felipe Gomez, Colleague
Sep 10 2019 2:58PM
Bernard was my boss when I worked at Marsh McLennan in my early days right after graduating from University of Waterloo. I have nothing but excellent memories if Bernard, how hard he tried for everyone, how fair he always was, etc. etc. He was an GREAT influence on my professional development. Watching him taught you how to act and conduct yourself.
Steve Zylak, Colleague
Dec 4 2018 6:39PM
Once again Bernard, I think of you this day along with all of all the others who left us on September 11th. Always remembered......never forgotten.
Su Bianco, Colleague
Sep 11 2018 11:50PM
I am getting older but will always remember Bernard´s lessons about caring for our people, teams or students. I got back to the Universidad de los Andes in Bogotá, Colombia to teach project management and I use Bernard as a role model for my graduate students telling them how they should be as bosses. Thoughts to your family in this new anniversary. Andres Felipe Gomez
Andres Felipe Gomez, Colleague
Sep 10 2018 2:44PM
Bernard and I worked together on IT systems solutions for the firm globally. He was a complete team player and trusted colleague. He took me to a Toronto Bluejays game once and the seats were awesome. We were right behind homeplate and you could here the pitch hitting the catcher's mitt. We always discussed our families and who was doing what. I am proud to have known and worked with Bernard, a wonderful man.
mark lastner, Colleague
Sep 11 2017 5:37PM
September 11th 2017 is tomorrow and I always reflect on lessons learned from my boss Bernard in the context of dealing with staff, team members and colleagues.I have to admit Bernard was one of the best boss I had worked with. He was always willing to give you challenging assignments and believed in your ability to execute and complete the project. Leveraging Bernard's management and leadership style has helped me motivate my staff to take on innovative assignments and believe in their ability to make a difference. RIP Bernard.
Jim Smith, Colleague
Sep 10 2017 4:23PM
Bernard valued education very much and as I worked for Marsh in Colombia I was also a Project Management Professor in Bogota at the Universidad de los Andes. We talked several times about education in our universities and one time he told me not to forget to teach humility to my students because that was something our professionals lack. And it is very true. Bernard, I will never forget you. God bless his family. Andres Felipe
Andrés Felipe Gómez, Colleague
Sep 10 2017 7:03PM
My thought and prayers are with Raynette, Sven and Jaclyn. I met Bernard only once at a Xmas party with Raynette and I've never forgotten the love you two shared, you were the perfect couple. Over the years, we, your friend at Amex, have thought and prayed for you Raynette. RIP Bernard.
Mirella Mariejeanne,
Sep 11 2016 11:09PM
Remembering Bernard today and sending my respects and thoughts to Raynette, Sven and Jaclyn.
Sandra Troster Diaz, Colleague
Sep 11 2016 0:03PM
I can't believe it has been 15 years. What I do believe is that honorable men will always be remembered. You are one of those men. And I will always honour you on this day....every year that I can.
Su Bianco, Colleague
Sep 11 2016 0:44AM
I agree with James Smith that it's hard to believe that it's been 15 years since the events at the World Trade Center that impacted our lives. Bernard was the best boss someone can have, with his leadership and friendship he was able that all our team worked that "extra mile" needed in our projects. I will remember Bernard forever. God bless his family. Andres Felipe
Andres Felipe Gomez, Colleague
Sep 9 2016 1:55PM
Its hard to believe that its been 15 years since the events at the WTC1. However, I never forget the opportunities Bernard provided for me to gain knowledge as Marsh's first Data Warehouse Architect. He really influenced his team of architects to take on new challenges beyond our comfort zone. Since leaving Marsh I have never has the opportunity to have another boss like Bernard - a true leader!
James "Jim" Smith, Colleague
Sep 8 2016 11:15AM
Bernard was by far the best boss I ever had, and often think of him, especially on the 11th.
Keith Williams, Colleague
Sep 13 2015 10:30AM
This is the day I remember and honour Bernard.....along with the others who were lost. You will never be forgotten - but will always be missed by those whose lives you touched. Thoughts and prayers to your family.
Su Bianco,
Sep 11 2015 8:33 PM
Sad day but very thankful to have been one of Bernard's apprentice. Regards to Raynette, Sven and Jaclyn.
, Colleague
Sep 11 2015 8:37AM
I think of Bernard often and not only on the anniversary. In my project management classes I teach all the great things I have learned from Bernard. From caring for our teams to paying attention to details. More than a boss he was a very good friend. God bless his family. Andres Felipe
Andres Felipe Gomez, Colleague
Sep 11 2015 8:40 AM
Another year has passed since Bernard, and many others, were lost. May we always remember…..and never forget. My thoughts are with his family today.
Su Bianco, Colleague
Sep 11 2014 11:27AM
Remembering Bernard today.
Sandra Troster Diaz, Colleague
Sep 11 2014 8:59AM
It is another anniversary and I remember when I talked to Bernard about my kidnap in Colombia and he said that the most valuable learning I shared with him was to pay more attention to the family. Bernard considered his team as his family and that is why we did our best for the team. I really miss all time we could talk. God bless you and your family. Andres Felipe
Andres Felipe Gomez, Colleague
Sep 10 2014 9:34PM
Bernard I am sorry I never met you having read all these kind things about you. Clearly, you lived a gentle intelligent kind life and are much loved. You remind me of my own father, of the same last name, who came here similarly as yourself and also taught us the value of education and our appreciation of it. I will include you and your family and friends in my prayers. Tina Mascarenhas
Tina Mascarenhas, Friend
Dec 4 2013 2:47PM
With the utmost respect, I think of you this day. You will always be remembered by your family, your friends and your colleagues. And me. You will never know the impact that you had on my life. I thank you for that every day.
Su Bianco, Colleague
Sep 12 2013 12:00AM
Bernard, another year remembering the good times in Toronto with your hospitality and that of your team in IT. How to apply lessons learned in all the projects is your legacy. You taught us to care for our teams as you did for yours because people is our most valuable asset. And I keep this always in mind. I miss you. God bless your family. Andres Felipe
Andrés Felipe Gómez, Colleague
Sep 11 2013 11:24AM
Remembering Bernard today and wishing Raynette, Sven and Jaclyn all the best. Even though he was responsible for a large department and I was a 'staffer' in accounting, Bernard always treated me as an equal. He joined Toastmasters to improve his speaking skills and was diligent in applying himself even though at first he was obviously uncomfortable. His tenacity is another quality I will always remember and admire. Holding you and yours in my thoughts today in particular.
Sandra Troster, Colleague
Sep 11 2013 6:37AM
I was working at the Mtl offices and met Bernard during one of his presentations he gave to our offices about the IT systems. I found him to be very eloquent and knowledgable. I still remember that morning when our office found out about the attack. We were glued to the tv screen in our conference room. Word got out quickly that Bernard was at the NY offices. We were all in shock. I have left Marsh since 2002 but I still proudly wear my Marsh memorial pin every year in honour of our collegues that lost their lives.
Suzanne Bourque, Colleague
Sep 10 2013 8:30AM
Although I worked for Marsh during the time of the attacks I did not personally know Bernard. I joined a group called Toastmasters at my current job where we have to give speeches. Yesterday I gave a my first speech and I spoke about keeping my falling co-workers memory alive. I pray that your family has found some peace and I pray that you are resting in peace! God Bless.
Lauren Weeks, Colleague
Dec 13 2012 2:26PM
Bernard, still thinking of you ! ... to your close family and those lucky enough to call you a friend and colleague, I wish you the very best or memories of an exceptional person, leader and mentor. As I leave the firm after nearly 15 years I can only marvel at the insight and long lasting guidance Bernard provided. God bless your eternal memory. Rob from Sydney
Rob Crick, Colleague
Sep 27 2012 9:46AM
In 2001, I was the Bell Canada Service Director on the Marsh Canada Account. Bernard was not my day to day contact....I had heard his name, but we had never met. One day after our monthly meeting, he happened to be in the hallway and we were introduced. Bernard being Bernard immediately invited me into his office so we could 'chat'. It was the most enlightening 'chat' I ever had in my life. We didn't discuss problems, we didn't discuss business. We just talked. I worked for Bell for 30 years and Bernard will always be my favourite customer. I remember his smile....his intelligence and his laughter. Sadly, I remember meeting his family at the memorial service...they greeted every single person who came into that church....he would have been so proud. I did not know him well, but men of distinction will always be remembered by those who are fortunate enough to meet them. I consider myself fortunate to have met Bernard,
Su Bianco, Colleague
Sep 11 2012 6:51PM
Bernard, Another year and you are again in my thoughts. My time with the IT Toronto team and specially with you was great regarding fellowship and mentorship. I have learnt more in this years than in my whole life. God bless your family. Andres Felipe
Andres Felipe Gomez, Colleague
Sep 11 2012 9:12AM
Colleague and friend - he and Raynette came to my wedding. Today I remember Bernard as every year. We will raise a glass of wine and I will make a small speech tonight to honour his memory and the influence that he made on my life. I am grateful that I knew him and sorry he left us so soon. Wishing Raynette, Jaclyn and Sven all the best.
Sandra Troster, Colleague
Sep 11 2012 8:31AM
It's been 11 years since September 11th 2001 and the loss of my boss Bernard. But, he will always be remembered for the motivation and opportunities he provided to the Enterprise Architecture team to align Marsh's enabling technology with the Business strategy. He will always be remembered.
Jim Smith, Colleague
Sep 11 2012 6:37AM
I was Shocked to know the death news of my Friend Bernard We called him Bony thru internet . He was a nice man and had soft heart he was helping, joyful and proactive.He was diligent prfessional .we had a good time in BAPCO-Bahrain(1975-78) He is still alive in our hearts, he was very competant and expert professional in IT. May God give his family courage/passions to bear irrepairable loss of their loving head of family Amin
Asad Raza Zaidi, Friend
Sep 27 2011 6:44AM
We've just finished watching Dan Rather on HdNet's program to commemorate the 10th. Anniversary of 9/11. A flood of memories stream through me -- all of which go back to Karachi, Pakistan - Hussain-D'Silva Town where Bernard, Raynette and I lived. These memories I call upon to remember the man Bernard was. His cheerful natire, his sense of humour, his inclusiveness and his committment to his family, friands and people whose lives he touched are legendary. And nothing will destroy these memories. thank you, Bernard. Rest in peace you gentle man, you giant. Love to Raynette, the boys and Reg. Dicky de Souza. September 11, 2011.
Richard de Souza, Friend
Sep 11 2011 9:26PM
Colleague and mentor, and friend. Just a quiet, quick note that I continue to remember and miss Bernard as he was a good mentor to me, and would like to send my best wishes to his family Raynette, Sven and Jaclyn.
Sandra Troster, Colleague
Sep 11 2011 8:42PM
So many times we spoke in Toronto as I worked with you and your staff. Your caring, quiet voice and softness of spirit has stayed with me all these years. Your life and death remind me of the simple choices we make in life and how yours led to such a tragic end that day. God bless you and your family, Bernhard. We all miss you very much.
Edward Verlander, Colleague
Sep 11 2011 10:14AM
Bernard, you were so special that you are not only on the anniversary in my thoughts.All the things I learnt from you are the base for my professional way of life, specially the way you took care of your team. Today I am feeling really sad. I miss you. God bless your family. Andres Felipe
Andres Felipe Gomez, Colleague
Sep 10 2011 8:52PM
Many years have passed and we still speak of our 'Fearless Leader' and his special management skills and his caring personal touches that invoked loyalty, diligence and team work. Bernard, you are very much missed and will be remembered always!
Carolyn Low, Colleague
Sep 9 2011 9:43AM
Bernard many times when I engage clients related to architecture challenges, I think of the lessons learned under your leadership, the importance of business knowledge (models) and the big picture. Under your leadership and a member of Marsh's Enterprise Architecture team, I learned to be what Gartner calls a Versatilist and depending on the needs of the company or project adapt and add value. The numerous architecture initiatives that you and Craig Hayashi entrusted me to lead at Marsh helped me grow professionally and career wise. Thank you!
Jim Smith, Colleague
Sep 9 2011 6:50AM
Ten years later and the pain is just a raw as it was then. First the shock of hearing that Bernard and other colleagues may have been in the building , then the realization we would never see them again was devastating. I travel quite a bit to the New York office but it took me several years before I could bring myself to visit the monument in memory of our colleagues. I sliently weeped as I focused on Bernards signature. The pain will never go away. My prayers and thoughts are with Raynette, Sven and Jaclyn believe me we will never forget Bernard.
Joanne Brown, Colleague
Aug 30 2011 11:03AM
I worked for Bernard for a number of years at Marsh. Simply, he was a great boss and mentor. I remember fondly his direct no-nonsense approach. He also had a great sense of humor which not everyone got to see. I have gone on to start my own technology companies and I am sure a good portion of the success I have achieved is a direct result of my experiences with Bernard.
Simon Reynolds, Colleague
Mar 22 2011 3:06PM
I have never left a tribute on this page before, but every year since this sad news it is Bernard and his family who I remember. I worked at Marsh in Toronto from 1990 through 1996 and Bernard was Head of the IT department when I was working as an Accounting Analyst. During those years he was a respected leader, colleague and friend despite the difference in our positions, and was always encouraging of any ambitions. He was the first 'Senior Manager' outside of my department to take me to a nice business lunch - my first time at Hy's (the old location in Toronto). He was always also looking to better himself (he attended Toastmasters at Mercer and I knew that from being there as well) but always modest in speaking of his own accomplishments. I was honoured to be invited one year to a Christmas party with his IT staff which occurred annually at his home where we were all afraid of dropping food on the beautiful white carpet! That too is a fond memory as we were able to meet Raynette, Sven and Jaclyn. I was also honoured when Bernard and Raynette attended my wedding. I will never forget Bernard and would like to wish his family all the best. Sandy Troster
Sandra Troster, Colleague
Sep 12 2010 12:15AM
Bernard, I often think of you and the leadership you displayed as a boss and friend when I was a member of the Enterprise Architecture team. We led the charge and early adopters of many of the technologies that are now becoming prime time such as Metadata Management, Master Data Management and Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing technologies. I really appreciate the fact that you believed in your team and never afraid to sponsor our efforts when recommending new technology solutions to improve the Marsh's and Marsh & McLennan business operations. My prays are with you and family. Jim Smith (Marsh's Enterprise Architecture Group - Enterprise Architect/Data Warehouse Architect 1998 - 2004)
Jim Smith, Colleague
Sep 11 2010 9:12PM
Bernard, time passes and, as you get older, it passes really quick. As always every anniversary you are in my thoughts, but I apply all the lessons I learnt from you every day. Greetings for your family and for Marsh Canada. I will always miss you. Andrés Felipe
Andres Felipe Gomez, Colleague
Sep 10 2010 9:50AM
Hi Bonnie, I went for a walk in the back acreage where we planted all the cedars & remembered when you & Swen showed up to help us plant them. While reminiscing, I went back to the evening we left Pakistan, you drove me to the airport with Raynette & David. You let me drive your Morris for the first time until the gin & lime cordials your Dad gave me kicked in. I remember you & Raynette showing up at the hospital first thing in the morning when Rebecca was born, that was a nice surprise. You are missed, Mike.
Michael Adams, Friend
Sep 24 2009 10:30PM
Bernard, it has been some five years since I left Marsh. But, I will never forget your leadership, mentorship and lessons of not being afraid to take calculated risks. Jim Smith (Marsh's Enterprise Architecture Group - Enterprise Architect/Data Warehouse Architect)
James L. Smith, Colleague
Sep 11 2009 12:15PM
Bernard, you are in my thoughts not only every anniversary of 9/11. I try to apply everyday all the life lessons I learnt from you. Since I left Marsh and begun my own consulting and training company I tell my project managers how I learnt to be a better person and a better professional after my work experience with you and your team in Marsh Canada. I will always miss you. Andrés Felipe
Andres Felipe Gomez, Colleague
Sep 10 2009 12:26PM
We salute you uncle bonnie and you will forever hold a place in the hearts of all of us who are forever touched by you. (Ron and Tess Adams's grand-daughter)
Victoria Adams, Friend
Oct 6 2008 6:37PM
Thinking of you Bernard. Your IT department in Canada remembers your lessons to this day and continues to provide solutions for the global company. I am happy to report your vision lives on. We miss you on many levels, and will never forget you. Alexis
Alexis Pietraroia, Friend
Sep 12 2008 8:19AM
It's hard to believe that it has been seven years since the horrific events at the World Trade Center in New York City. I use this day to celebrate the livies of my colleagues who were lost at WTC. It can be really difficult not being able to say thank you to people like Bernard who were willing to give you a chance to develop your skills and believe in your ability to make a difference. As the CIO of Marsh Canada and boss of the Enterprise Architecture Group, Bernard challenged you to develop your soft, business and technical skills. His team of architects were highlightly visible at the senior level management and if you had an idea that would make a difference for Marsh or MMC companies business strategy, he would support you and sponsor your efforts. Case in point, as the Data Warehouse Architect at Marsh, it was Benard who not only sponsored my effects to develop the data warehouse architecture at Marsh, he championed the business case to business leaders and the CEO. For example, after a major research effort to select Marsh's first data integration tool, I had recommended the firm purchase a solution from a young start-up company called Informatica in 1998. Despite resistance from both senior technology and business managers, it was Bernard who presented the business cases to Marsh's CEO at the time, Bill Wilson - the deal was signed. This is when I had realized that I had a unique boss and leader - not one who hides behind his title or fears not having future career opportunities because a decision has gone wrong. I am happy to say, that Informatica is now a publicly traded company and the defacto industry leader and the standard at Marsh & Mclennan companies. Bernard is missed and his family and friends she be happy to know that he is responsible for giving many people opportunities (including me) to advance their career by challenging them to think out of the box and be fearless when making decisions. Regards, James L. Smith New York City
James L. Smith, Colleague
Sep 11 2008 7:33PM
Bernard & Family.... my thoughts are with you in 2008 as I pause to celebrate knowing Bernard and remember his wonderful personality, positive nature and desire to help people improve. A Gentleman still.
Rob Crick, Colleague
Sep 11 2008 11:35AM
Bernard, One more year from your going away, but I and my family will never forget you. My wife and kids never saw you in person but they know you very well from all the good things I told them from my days working with you. Every time I want to reinforce having patience, being, humble, working hard or resolving conflict I say: 'Remember about my boss Bernard, he taught me all what I am telling you.' Miss you. Andres Felipe Gomez
Andres Felipe Gomez, Colleague
Sep 11 2008 8:29AM
Thinking of you today. Love and Miss you!
Deanna Kremzier<3, Family
Sep 11 2007 7:32PM
Think of you today. Love & Miss you!
Deanna Kremzier<3, Family
Sep 11 2007 7:13PM
Bernard you are still in my mind after so many years. I will never forget your advice and all your life lessons. You asked me what was the major lesson I learned from my kidnap, and I told you “patience”. You told me then to remember that patience was a wise man's virtue. Every time I am “loosing my patience” I think of you and calm down very quick. God bless you Andres Felipe
Andres Felipe Gomez, Colleague
Sep 11 2007 1:20PM
After 9/11 Doug Poole told me about you when he was working at ECI in Toronto. I went down to the World Trade Centre site on Sept 11 2006 and rang the liberty bell in your memory. You are missed. Rest in Peace. Lynn Selby
Lynn Selby, Friend
Sep 12 2006 8:52AM
Bernard, You will never be forgotten. Judith
Judith Hull-Huntley, Colleague
Sep 11 2006 6:06PM
I am thinking of you today, Bernie. Bless you.
Michael C. Sensiba, Colleague
Sep 11 2006 1:41PM
After five years of the World Trade Center tragedy, Bernard and its lessons are still in my mind every day. You never forget a formidable boss and wonderful person like Bernard. Bernard is in my thoughts every time I face a challenging project and its problems because he always supported us when we made mistakes and so we got the confidence to do our job better and better. Bernard, I miss you.
Andres F. Gómez, Colleague
Sep 11 2006 10:12AM
Always will remember the good times we had in Toronto, working with your group and feeling part of your 'family'. Those were unforgettable days I will always keep in my heart.
Caroline Troncoso, Colleague
Dec 27 2005 5:26PM
It's always pleasure to read the comments left by family and colleagues about how Bernard impacted their life. As my former boss at Marsh, he always gave you the opportunity to pursue new career objectives and never too busy in his executive management role to listen when faced with challenges. Bernard was the executive sponsor for many technology initiatives to support the Marsh (and Marh & Mclennan) business strategy. It's a pleasure to hear that several of the projects that he sponsored has helped deliver value to Marsh business users to this very day (e.g., Cansys, Data Warehouse). His legacy will be remembered.
James L. Smith, Colleague
Nov 24 2005 7:36AM
Siempre te recordaré. Ricardo Saraniti
Ricardo Saraniti, Colleague
Sep 12 2005 10:40AM
One more year in our lifes but I still remember all the good times in Toronto with Bernard. I miss his support and friedship, buy I am appplyng the good things I learned with him. I will miss you forever. Saludos Bernadrd, Andres Felipe Gomez
Andres Felipe Gomez, Colleague
Sep 11 2005 7:58PM
i am very sorry to hear this.well we r fine in india.
Richardmascarenhas, Family
May 12 2005 1:05AM
I joined Marsh in 2003. New to the company, I had many training sessions in the 'Mascarenhas' Room. I took the opportunity to read the plaque that dedicates the room to Bernard Mascarenhas. On Saturday September 11, 2004, I had the duty to announce the intention for the Mass at St. Basil's Church. Someone had asked that the Mass be said for Mr. Mascarenhas and though it was a coincidence that I was there for that Mass, I felt it was priviledge to do this for a colleague that I never knew other than through the tributes on this page. To his family and those who knew him, rest assured that Bernard's memory continues to live not just for you but for many who never met him.
Laura Gainer, Colleague
Sep 23 2004 4:45PM
I am a firefighter from Elk Grove, California and I never knew Mr. Mascarenhas until September 11, 2004 when I participated in a triathlon in Pacific Grove, California. We had a rememberance ceremony for those that perished in the 9/11 attacks by placing a flag on the beach with the name of each person who lossed their life. As I walked to the beach and placed my flag for Mr. Mascarenhas, I also placed his name on my race bib so I could find out more about the man for whom I raced. By reading your tributes, I am honored to have raced for such a wonderful man. My heart goes out to you, his family, friends and collegues. Warmly, Julie Rider, firefighter
Julie Rider, Colleague
Sep 16 2004 12:29AM
I have left Marsh, but my heart will remain with Marsh Canada. There I met Bernard and got his support for our project and most important his friendship. The lot of things I have learned from him helped me to be a better person, to believe in our people and be more humble. Life goes on, but lessons will be kept. I want to send greetings to his family and to all the people in information technology. Saludos Bernard
Andres Felipe Gomez, Friend
Sep 11 2004 2:13PM
My friend Bonnie By: Francis Misquita Edmonton, Canada Sept. 11, 2001 will go down in history as a “black day” when thousands of innocent lives were lost, as a result of a terrorist attach on the World Trade Center in New York City. My friend Bonnie (Bernard Mascarenhas) is on the list of the missing people which numbers more than 5000. Bonnie was previously from Karachi, staying on Somerset Street and then later in Hussain D’silva Town in Nazimabad. I first met Bonnie in 1964 in our first year pre-engineering, at St. Patrick’s college – a happy bunch of enthusiastic kids, just out of school, aspiring to be engineers of the future. I recall we were a very large contingent of Catholic boys – Edward D’Sa, Lionel D'souza, Noel Pinto, Vincent Gonsalves, Ronald Raymond, John Barrie, Maurice Aranha, Emmanuel Raphael, Francis Phen, Michael Catellino and Patrick Pillai. My apologies for the others whose names I just cannot recall at this time. I took an instant liking to Bonnie, and we maintained ourfriendshhip over all these years. Bonnie was one of the “smart dudes” at college and excelled in all subjects especially science and math. I was always short of money and Bonnie would always treat me to ‘ coke and patties” during the recess. Those were the good days, playing hokey in the less interesting classes especially Urdu, was very common amongst some of our Catholic boys. Iqbal Restaurant was our favorite spot, where boys would hang around and watch the girls walk by from St. Joseph’s School and College. After completing junior college, Bonnie was accepted to the more prestigious Adamjee Science College, while some of us went to SM Science College. We still maintained our contacts – meeting for tea at Jehangir or Iqbal restaurant, going for a matinee move, or studying late evenings and nights at his house just prior to writing the exams. If I recall correctly, a few years later I met Bonnie when he was teaching for a brief period in St. Paul’s school my Alma Mater. He then joined Habib Bank and quickly worked his way up in the computer field, and then went to Bahrain excelling himself in the field of information technology. Bonnie migrated to Canada in 1978. He was working for Marsh Canada Ltd., a large insurance brokerage house, and once again with his hard work and excellence, he moved up the corporate ladder very quickly. When I was in Montreal, he visited me a few times, whenever he came on a business trip and we used to reminisce about the good old times we all had back home. The last time I met Bonnie was about two years ago, when I had gone on a business trip to Toronto. We both had very busy schedules that day, but we made it a point to meet for lunch. I still picture him clearly saying our good-byes in the parking lot, and hoping we would meet soon again. Last year he phoned me at Christmas time, suggesting that I come with the family and spend some time with his family in Toronto. The day of the disaster, when I was watching CNN news, the name of the company Bonnie worked for Marsh Macllenan (the US office) was mentioned. I just prayed silently hoping that Bonnie was not on another business trip to the New York office. I wanted to call him at home, but I said to myself this cannot be true, and it is just my imagination. Two days later, I got the dreadful news that his wife Raynette and the kids were taken to New York by the company officials. I made a few calls to Montreal and Toronto that night, but could not get any confirmed news about him. Early next morning, I decided to call his office in Toronto. The secretary picked up the phone, I told her that I was a very close friend of Bernard, and wanted to get an update on him. I could fee her voice choking, as she said he was on the missing list, and that his wife and family were taken to New York. At that time I just cried and choked, the lady at the other end said, “ I am so sorry to give you the bad news”. I thanked her, said I was okay, and quickly hung the phone up. A few days later I visited the CNN website that had the pictures of the missing people and I kept starring at Bonnie’s picture for a few minutes, and kept asking the question “Why Bonnie?” I called out to my wife and my two girls showing them the picture of my missing friend. I was later told that Bonnie, who worked out of the Toronto office, was scheduled to attend a breakfast meeting that ill-fated morning of Sept 11, 2001 in the World Trade center. To me Bonnie was a friend and brother. A man of such great stature, but yet humble and down to earth person. Once when visiting Toronto, I reminded him of the ‘coke and patties”, he used to buy for me at the college canteen. His answer in humility as always was he just felt it was right to share what he had with others, whether it was baying me a coke, or helping others with school assignments. There are very few in this world that are the likes of my friend Bonnie, who has had such a great positive impact on my personal life, and the life of others that he touched upon. Just to quote what his son Sven had to say when delivering the eulogy at a memorial service in Toronto: “ Although he told me to always value my formal education, it will be the things he taught me that I’ll hold most dear. He taught me the meaning of humility, taught me to never rub my successes in the face of others. He lived his life by that credo to the point that many of his closest friends had no idea just how succesful he was in his professional life”. How very true !!! I met Bonnie on so many occasion, we both worked in information technology, but it’s only after reading the eulogy, I came to know that my friend had risen to the rank of Chief Information Officer (CIO) at Marsh Canada. Another quota from Sven’s eulogy “He may have lived in Canada, but he never forgot nor let us forget our roots. His active role in our community, always trying to help someone out when they fell on difficult times”. Bonnie, you sure make me feel proud and that I can say to myself and to others that I had the good fortune of being associated with you. This tragic loss is very difficult for me to endure, and often at times I wish by some miracle, he and several others are found alive in the rubble of what is left of the two majestic tows that once graced the skylights of New York City. In conclusion, I would like to offer my since condolences to his wife Raynette, their children Sven and Jaclyn, to his mother, his sister, his brother, and all his other friends and relatives, that the good Lord gives them the courage and strength to bear just a great loss. Adios Bonnie, till we meet again for coke and patties in a college canteen in Paradise – this time it will be my treat !!!.
Francis Misquita, Friend
Jul 9 2004 1:29PM
Today, one year after, I keep remembering Bernard for his mentoring and support on my job. He challenged me and I will always pursue success following his advice. It was a hard time being in Toronto during the tragedy, but I saw how Bernard was loved and appreciated by all his team and colleagues. As Craig said, Bernard will be missed bur never forgotten.
Andres Felipe Gomez, Colleague
Sep 11 2002 9:01AM
I used to work at William M. Mercer Limited, a sister company to Marsh & McLennan. I left Toronto and Mercer in 1997 to become a Certified Financial Planner in Ottawa. In December of 2001 I was on vacation in Florida and was reading through a picked-up copy of the New York Times. That's when I found out that Bernard had died. I was stunned as I read his obituary. While no one in North America was untouched by September 11th, I didn't realize that someone I knew had perished. It felt so unfair that someone so nice was gone. As I read the obituary I wasn't surprised to find out that Bernard was as good as he was nice. Bernard and I had attended Toastmasters meetings together. From then on if we ever passed in the lobby of our building or were in the elevator together he always had a smile and a kind hello for me. I left Mercer a number of years ago, but I can picture Bernard's gentle way and his gentlemanly manner so easily. I extend my thoughts to his family, friends and colleagues who will continue to be touched by Bernard's example for many, many years to come.
Heather Duncan, Colleague
Aug 7 2002 5:22PM
As the leader of the Enterprise Application Architecture Group, Bernard always fostered the concept of team unity. Personally, it was a pleasure to interact with Bernard on the data warehouse architecture vision and several projects to acquire technology solutions to enhance data warehouse architecture and the software quality process at Marsh. Although he was a senior executive, Bernard didn't believe in the 'chain-of-command' process, thus, he was always reachable. For example, there were several occassions that I would meet him at his hotel (when in New York) to meet with software vendors to discuss purchasing products. And it is during these meetings that I realized his unique negotiating skills - I actually use his techniques when dealing with software vendors. Bernard was a good mentor, boss, and friend He is missed.
James L. Smith, Colleague
Jun 13 2002 3:32PM
I still remember that interview vividly in October 1999 when it was just Bernard and myself in the room. He asked me where I wanted to be in 10 years and what kind of person I wanted to become. I appreciated that frankness even after he hired me from what I thought was a disastrous interview. Those two questions have stayed with me and provide a basis for evaluating where and who I am now. You will be sadly missed Bernard.
Sandy Grewal, Friend
Apr 26 2002 11:22AM
Bernard was the CIO for Marsh Canada. I was one of the forty or more people who worked in his group – so in that sense he was my manager. Although in reflecting on all that Bernard was, labeling him as a manager does not do him justice. In the truest sense of the word – Bernard was our leader. In terms of leadership traits Bernard had, a few key ones stand out in my mind: his unquestioned loyalty and support, his commitment and drive, and his overall vision. Loyalty & support When I first started at Marsh, the group was a lot smaller – probably no more than fifteen people. As such, Bernard would usually drop by and talk with everybody on a regular basis. As the group grew larger, the time he could spend with everybody obviously went down. However, he would still make sure he got to know everybody in the group – no matter who they were or what they did. In getting to know Bernard, you came to realize that he truly cared about you from a professional and personal level. In terms of work, Bernard wanted each person to be successful and he would constantly push you to take on more challenging projects – knowing you would be able to handle it. If you did make a mistake, Bernard would be the first to be at your side to take the blame. It was this confidence that Bernard had in his team that gave us the ability to accomplish what we did. Commitment & drive Bernard was famous for setting aggressive dates for getting things done. If anybody else tried to pull this off, they would probably have been met with a chorus of reasons why it would not be possible to meet the date. But when Bernard came up with these goals, we just dug down and got to work. We did this because we knew no matter how hard we were working, Bernard was right beside us working harder. One thing that always impressed me was Bernard’s drive and eagerness to take on new responsibilities – more so since he had been at Marsh so long. Over the years he lost none of his passion for work and by doing so provided a constant source of motivation for us. Vision Five years ago, we were just starting to work on a new claims system for Canada. Since then, this has evolved into a complete system that supports the Canadian business – the system is called CANSYS. After CANSYS had been deployed across Canada, it has now started to be deployed in other Marsh offices across the world. This was all driven by Bernard’s vision. When CANSYS was just starting out, nobody else but Bernard would have had such lofty goals. But that was Bernard, always one step ahead of everybody – bold enough to have such a vision and confident in his ability to realize it. So Bernard, I know I never told this to you – but you have played a significant influence on who I have become. For that I am a better person and owe you so much. I’ve gained a great deal from you while you were around and being able to learn from you. I’ve also learned an equal amount in your absence in realizing all the things that are not here anymore that I took for granted when you were with us. You are missed – but not forgotten.
Craig Hayashi, Colleague
Apr 11 2002 4:00PM
Bernard was first a colleague. It did not take very long, we became friends. Even though we were working far from each other (Toronto and Brussels)we met enough in NYC and when not in NYC we were in regular contacts by email and phone. He was a formidable colleague. Doing equivalent jobs, we appreciated each other opinion, advises on professional subjects. I lost an excellent colleague. I lost also an excellent friend... When I lost my 23 year old daughter 3 years ago, he crossed the Atlantic to be close to us in those difficult time... He was regularly caring about us. We try to do the same now, and to bring reconfort to Raynette, his wife Sven and Jacklyn. Bernard is in our thoughts every day.
Marc Vanderstichelen, Friend
Apr 10 2002 11:39AM