Thomas Linehan
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I was a friend of Tom's from Highland Lakes, NJ. My twin brother Bruce and I were summer residents at first and than eventually moved up to the lake all-year round. My memories of Tom are so fond. He was a gifted athlete, a tall handsome man with a great smile. He was a kind person and so well liked at our high school, Vernon Township High School. For many years, there was a golf outing in his honor that I use to tend. Just by the hundreds of people that came every year to lend their support, spoke volumes of his character. We truly lost a good one!!
Bonnie Schwartz (formerly known as Poignant), Friend
Sep 13 2012 4:52PM
I only found out 2 years ago that Tom was at the WTC the day of 9/11. I have been looking up his name with no avail, but today I found out I had the wrong spelling of his name and see what I have been praying was not true, is true. I had a summer home at HLCC, NJ and I would come up on the weekends and spend my summers there. I met Kathy & Karen and they introduced me to Tom and the group of kids that hung out at the office and clubhouse. Everytime we saw each other, we would shake hands, which I thought was pretty cool. Tom's best friend at one time was Mick. Those two were so close. How I cherished my weekends up at the lake with my friends. I remember him being so tall and so cute and funny! After my Dad died we had to sell our house and I lost contact with everyone from the Lake. My deepest, deepest condolences to the Linehan family.
Mary Beth Kasper Downie, Friend
Sep 11 2011 11:46AM
Love you borther!
Alan Mooney, Family
Dec 11 2010 12:33PM
I too was a part of the Vernon Babe Ruth Champion years, doesn't matter who I am but Lenny was a great guy. Even though I did not see him much after High school the years we were all together will never be forgotten.
A. Friend, Friend
Mar 1 2010 3:06PM
Once again as September 11th nears, I am reminded of the day we lost my friend and teammate, Tommy Linehan. My first recollection of Tom was him, at the age of 13, making the roster of the travelling Babe Ruth team from Vernon. Which was no easy feat considering we had almost our whole championship team returning that year. Tom helped us repeat as champs. What amazed me was how poised he was playing with mostly older competition. Another time that comes to mind is him draining 20-footers one after the other at the High School gym saying 'Tripucka from downtown...' as he shot. He was a natural at anything he set his mind on doing. Showing the quiet confidence that you see in athletes such as Derek Jeter and Tiger Woods. Anybody who came to know Tommy Linehan can't help but miss him to this day. In my thoughts and prayers, Gonzo
John 'Gonzo' Gonzalez, Friend
Sep 8 2009 10:41PM
Hey Uncle Tom. I haven't talked to you in over four years. It's so hard to believe. It never gets easier, but i know you're with my dad and all the kids from Montville who have recently passed in a much better place. Mel says hi. We miss you always and you are ferever in our hearts. i must admit that it's truely not the same on new years eve without you making a complete fool of yourself .. dancing with the sausage and making up songs about penuts. remember that ? that was when i was like . 6 and mel was like 4. soo long ago. -Meghan + Mel [Neice + Daughter] .. like you didn't already know that :]
Meghan Taormina and Mel, Family
Oct 8 2007 1:28AM
tommy misses you jenna misses you mel misses you mel is melissa we have changed her name some people call her garyeck but dont ask it is very stupid we are going to cancun in a day well yea you're in our hearts and prayers. your son tommy your daughter mel and your niece jenna love you
tommy jenna mel, Family
Mar 30 2007 9:48PM
too sad for words. I went to Pope John with Tom. He was such a great guy. I remember many laughs with Tom. He was always with his side kick Danny (Mutt and Jeff). I pulled out the old year book from freshman year and got such a kick out of the skinny kid in the basketball uniform. I was a cheerleader and remember well his smile and kind sweet sense of humor. I grieve for his family and friends. God holds him in the palm of His hand.
Chrysten, Friend
Dec 15 2006 9:26AM
Just wanted to leave a message to let family, friends and visitors know that classmates from Assumption College in Worcester are keeping the Linehan family in our thoughts and prayers.
Assumption College classmate, Colleague
Sep 11 2006 2:03PM
I don't know what made me look up Tommy's name on the Google search today but I did. Maybe because this past week once again, the pain and sorrow of this horrific event and the death of my brother has come to light with the tapes of the phone messages of those who died. I came upon these two messags one from a friend and one from my sister Mary. I too remember that Labor Day the last time we all saw him. When I kissed him goodbye I just shrugged my shoulders and laughed that he had a two crazy but great kids and a wife that loved him dearly, and yet he was still that little boy, my little brother Tommy, so young and so full of life and laughter but a man already, a father with two kids and a successful career. It's going on 5 years that he is gone but the hurt and sorrow are just as keen as it was that day. Good bless you Tommy, I know that you are with Daddy and Anne, but we miss you so much it breaks our hearts. Love you, Shlater bro. Joanie
Joan Linehan Prontiker, Family
Apr 2 2006 3:48PM
I'm Tom's sister Mary and I was just delighted to see that MMC had set up this site. Where do you even begin to talk about a guy like Tommy? He was just the BEST!!! Tommy and I were the youngest of five children (I am just 2 years older) and he was the only boy. He was always like an older brother to me instead of younger. I always looked up to him and there was never a time that he wasn't there for me. He was one of the most important men in my life and I was always so proud to say he was my brother. It still hasn't sunk in yet that I will never see him again but maybe that's because he is still so much alive in my heart and always will be. Everytime I look in my backyard I can still see him sitting by the pool watching his children swim, shaking an empty beer can at me and saying, 'Come on big girl I need another beer!' He was absolutely adored and doted on by his four sisters. There was nothing that we wouldn't have done for him. He was a terrific kid and grew up to be a wonderful man. I will mourn him for the rest of my life and I'm sure there are many, many more tears that I will shed for him. But I have promised myself (and him) that if tears come to my eyes thinking of him my next thought is of something we did together that will give me a real belly-laugh! That is the only way he would want to be remembered, by bringing a smile to your face. My very favorite memory of him is from the very last time I saw him - Labor Day of 2001. We barbequed at our sister Joan's house that day and when I left that night I hugged and kissed him and told him that I loved him. I remember thinking to myself after I kissed his cheek that his cheek was as smooth as a baby's bottom (even at 8 o'clock at night!!). To this day, when I close my eyes, I can still feel his cheek against mine. HERE'S TO YOU LENNY!!!!!
Mary (Linehan) Mooney, Family
Oct 8 2002 10:57AM
I spent summers then all year round growing up with Tom as a friend and nieghbor in HLCC, NJ. He liked to play with matchbox cars on his front porch. He got all of us to play golf on a course we dug in our yards between the houses. When he moved up to HLCC we biked between our homes all the time to spend our summers just being kids.
Joe Wolfe, Friend
Sep 12 2002 12:05PM