Dorota Kopiczko

Bugoslawa Kopiczko’s words about her daughter Dorota come in a torrent of tearful Polish. 'We came in September 1992,' she said, with a neighbor, Ewa Kowalski, interpreting. 'Dorota was 17. She loved it right away. She wanted to know everything.'

Dorota Kopiczko embraced the American way from the start. After teaching herself English and working her way through Montclair University in New Jersey by cleaning offices and waiting tables, she got an accounting job at a firm in Parsippany, N.J.

When the firm was acquired by Marsh & McLennan and she started working on the 100th floor of 1 World Trade Center, Ms. Kopiczko was overjoyed. She bubbled through the office every day — she was known there as Sunshine, for both her ebullient personality and her blond hair — and made friends with everybody. At night she prepared for the C.P.A. exam. She had already fulfilled her dream of owning a home — a town house in Nutley, N.J. — at age 25. But she wanted more. 'She was all the time dreaming to get a higher position at work,' her mother said. 'One time she took me to Franklin Lakes, one of the most beautiful towns in New Jersey. We looked at the houses, and she said, `Mommy, don’t worry. One day we will have this.’ '

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Spoczywaj w pokoju... [*] R.I.P.
Piotr, Colleague
Dec 6 2019 9:09AM
Z pamięci o naszych bliskich utkana jest nasza tożsamość. You are always in my thoughts.
Michal Szewczuk, Friend
Sep 11 2013 8:54PM
mam nadzieje ze tam na gorze jestes szczesliwa....
agnese, Colleague
Sep 15 2012 5:04PM
Niech ona spoczywa w pokoju
Marek Jablonski, Friend
Sep 11 2011 3:37PM
I remember Dorota from the time we were both students in Wallington High. She was always full of life and happiness. She was a very bright intelligent and I knew she would be successful in life. She was such a great person filled and bursting with the will to live the American Dream. My heart aches every time I think about Dorota because her life was cut short in the WTC on 9/11. I served with honor in the US Navy from 1995 to 2009 and I was always telling my story of Dorota and how important it is to stop terrorism. It is important to protect our way of life and a chance to live the American Dream. I pray for you Dorotka. Niech cie Bog bogoslawi.
Michal Szewczuk, Friend
Sep 11 2011 3:00PM
Åegnaj Dorotko!, [ ]
DAMIAN, Colleague
Sep 11 2011 4:50AM
I barely know Dorota... I only met her in May/2001 through couple of friends from NYC... We went out for dinner and party and she looked so beautiful in her red dress...We had a great time, I went back to Cali and she called me to ask me to send her my pic with my daughter... I have not got a chance to to it and the tragic happened. It broke my heart on the morning of Sep/11th as I knew she was working there...My support and thoughts are with her family and friends.. I wish she rest in peace Mai
Mai Tran, Friend
Feb 9 2010 6:27PM
We met at our firm's tri-annual training in 1999. I would not have thought then how much she would impact my life, though I already had some sense that she would leave a lasting mark. Since her death, my life has been given a new meaning, with a new horizon to which I set my gaze. I have not stopped thanking Our Lord for her life and birth into eternal life. Requiet in Pax.
Hans Ma. Gonzalez, Friend
Jun 8 2006 6:19PM
She was one of the best people I have ever known - truely good and pure of heart, mind and soul. Angelic. She touched a lot of hearts including mine and my friend's who intruduced us. In our memories, she will always be an angel. Words can not express how wonderful and kind, and truely beautiful this person was. Many people go through many lifetimes without even coming across one of these types. Rest in Peace.
Raymond, Friend
Aug 3 2005 8:38AM
'... And only the good die young...' I met Dorotka soon after she came from Poland. We were singing in church with several other friends. She had a beautiful voice, great outgoing personality and many dreams. I was happy to learn that she chose MSU which is also my Alma Mater, I would run into her on the campus. She worked very hard to achieve her 'American dream' and in many ways she did it!! My heart goes out to Dorota's Mother, famliy and friends: niech wam Bog blogoslawi i obdarzy pokojem. For Dorotka I pray: wieczny odpoczynek racz jej dac Panie a swiatlosc wiekuista niech jej swieci...
Bogumila Kopec-Tutak, Friend
Sep 12 2002 5:30PM
I barely knew Dorota, but still I feel so very sad.What an ambitious, intelligent and beautiful young woman. Her smile always brightened my day. I extend my sincere condolences to her family and pray that God gives them the strength to go on. To live in the hearts we leave behind is not to die.
Chris Volz, Friend
Sep 11 2002 7:44PM
Today is September 11th one year after the tragic event. It is with the passage of time that we reflect and remember people we knew and who touched our hearts. It is with these memories of you in high school, attending college, conversations in the hallway, passing smiles and sharing each others ambitions of working in New York City that we reflect fondly on you and your family. I, Kris Fracz would always say, ' you were the brightest and nicest classmate I ever had '. Your lasting gift to us and the many others whose lives you touched is the realization that your life if lived well will go on through others whose hearts you touched. Our love to you and your family. Niech was Pan Bog Blogoslawi w tym cieszkim czasie...
Magdalena Fracz, Kris Fracz & Friends
Sep 11 2002 12:48PM