Angela Kyte

At 49, Angela Kyte was planning to retire in a year or two. She and her husband, Roger, had saved money and were fixing up a retirement home on Cape Cod. 'We went there in the summer,' Mr. Kyte said. 'We loved bicycling along the National Seashore.'

Mrs. Kyte, who lived in Boonton, N.J., started at Marsh & McLennan when it was a young company and worked her way up to managing director.

She was very organized, taping a two- week list of dinner menus on the refrigerator for Mr. Kyte, a retired precision toolmaker, to prepare. And she had a lock-snap memory, which enabled her to make a shopping list with a time-efficient supermarket map — up Aisle 2 for canned tomatoes, down Aisle 3 for paper towels.

The Kytes were putting away money for a scholarship fund at Lycoming College in Williamsport, Pa., where Mrs. Kyte graduated cum laude. Her husband intends to donate more in her memory.

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I can never forget Angela. Working at Tufts University in Risk Management we talked we laughed and she was always there when I needed her. I am devastated and will continue to pray for her forever.
Rosanne Giuliano, Colleague
Sep 10 2016 11:58PM
Dear Morgan, Hope you and your dad are well. I always think of you on this day in September and how we used to throw rocks across Boonton Ave. at each other, playing in your tree fort, and your mom making snacks for us. Take care and look me up sometime. Jim
Jim Cutillo, Friend
Sep 11 2014 8:13PM
Angela interviewed me and hired me. Two things I remember about her. Nobody cut to the chase with humor like Angela. Also for the short time I worked with her how great of a mentor she was I wish I had gotten to know her better. 13 years later whenever the anniversary comes up I always think of Angela. You don't meet a lot of senior people in the business world so down to earth and willing to share their knowledge. I try to apply the lessons I learned from her to my life everyday.
Brian Vinson, Colleague
Mar 24 2014 12:17PM
Thoughts of you increase tremendously during the days surrounding September 11. You had such an important part in my growth as a business professional. I would not be the person I am today if my career had not started out working as your administrative assistant. We had a great team who worked hard and showed respect to one another. Thank you for creating such a great experience to carry with me forever.
Kelly Lennon DeRosa, Friend
Sep 11 2013 12:28PM
On 09-08-13 I participated in a 'Run to Remember' event in Sacramento, California. At the end of the race, each finisher placed an American flag next to a name of their choosing on the memorial dedicated to 09/11 on the Capitol Mall downtown. I randomly picked Angela's name, and when I got home, I read about her life and family online. It looks like i picked a wonderful person, loved by many, to honor. I'm so sorry for your loss and hope you are comforted by knowing we will never forget those who lost their lives that day. Prayers for your family and the men and women (my son among them) serving their country in the armed forces.
Janet Pfeifer, Friend
Sep 11 2013 10:14AM
This past week I have thought alot of my cousin and her family. Reading these posts her character shines thru. I feel more sad today than in the past 10 years for all that was taken away not only from Angela and family but from all of us. I hope the next 10 years find us all in a better place. I know that she is with God and her dad and when watching the local D.C. news last night out of all the names that could have come across the screen in a five second flash.....there was Angela Kyte on the memorial....
Terri Vaira-James, Family
Sep 12 2011 8:41PM
I knew Angie in college at Lycoming. We lived in the same dorm and shared similar interests. She was a wonderful friend and cared so much about bettering the world. She helped me through the death of my college roommate Kathie Brett (Wojcik) from March 2001 until June 18th of that year when Kathie died of pancreatic cancer. We emailed back and forth as Kathie progressed in her illness. It was shocking to find out a few days after 9/11/01 that she had been in that building. Amazingly, a few years later, I listed a house in my area of Maryland and the owner said that she was from Washington, Pa; I asked if she heard of Angie. She knew her mother and told the story of the fellow who was helping her the day of 9/11/01 to set up for her meeting and that Angie told him to go enjoy New York instead of staying with her during the meeting. According to her, he was one of the last people to use the elevator in that tower and he survived. I don't know the validity of the story but it was amazing to have a total stranger tell me about this. I will tell you that Angie was a wonderful lady and an inspiration to all she met. I think of her and her family often and pray for their peace.
Bev (Ekey) Langley, Friend
Sep 11 2011 9:10PM
Today is the 10th Anniversary of September 11th. You nephew Jason, and his family are at the Iowa State Capital to remember you. We never met, but you sent such a lovely note on the RSVP for Jason and Libby's wedding, that showed what a kind and wonderful person you were. You are not forgotten, and you name is often spoken of in our family. You are missed and loved by your whole family.
Pat VanZante, Family
Sep 11 2011 12:02PM
Angela, I remember your smile, enthusiasm, happiness, and bright mind. I always looked forward to working with you. You will always be with us.
Ray Oberg, Colleague
Sep 11 2011 9:23AM
Angela, we miss your knowledge, professionalism and service at Marsh and wish you hadn't been taken from us on that awful day 10 years ago today. May you rest in peace.
Lauri Hanson, Colleague
Sep 11 2011 7:46AM
Roger and I met Angela in Vienna, Austria in the summer of 1972. She and a girlfriend has just finished a semester abroad and were on their way back to Lycoming College. The four of us went out to dinner, but Roger and Angela didn't notice me or her friend. They were married soon after, and I had the honor of being in their wedding party. Our families have been close ever since. My wife and I shared one vacation with Angela and Roger at their Cape Cod 'retirement' house. That memory and scores of others are still fresh in my mind as I recall that 11th of September. We helped plan the memorial service for Angela and I was so proud of my daughter who insisted on paying tribute to Angela by playing 'Flying Free' as a piano solo at the service. We miss Angela, and although I visit Roger on Cape Cod every summer, I miss Angela's smile, her sweet disposition, sense of humor, and passion for life.
Warren Curd, Friend
Sep 8 2011 1:41PM
I had the pleasure of working with Angela when I was involved with the Learning Committee in Phila. She was truly inspirational to work with. I think of her often. My thoguhts and prayers are with her family. May God bless you all.
Maria Gullo, Colleague
Sep 8 2011 8:21AM
Angela and I taught the Risk Management Concepts for Clients class in the late 1990's. She was an amazing mentor and teacher and had a great sense of humor.
Michael Rogan, Colleague
Aug 30 2011 10:26AM
Angela was the first, and best, Professional Development instructor I had during my career at Marsh. I'm into my 28th year with the firm and still very much appreciate how professionally she taught M&M; I. Thanks Angela.
Dan Deighton, Colleague
Jul 10 2010 7:18PM
I met Angela just one or two times at 1234 Avenue of the Americas. She was our client when I was with The Richardson Company. She was bright, articulate and very gracious to me. I was watching the memorials today on tv and saw her picture again. Just so her family and friends know that she is not forgotten, nor any of the others. Even by people who didn't know her well. They are not forgotten. Peace
Dorothy Flynn, Colleague
Sep 11 2009 12:39PM
Dear and Sweet Angela..when I just say 'your relationship' I immediately put 'friend' although we met as 'co-workers' for Tufts University so many years ago..My heart broke that awful day 8 years ago and memories of YOU will always be with me in my prayers as well as for your family. You were always there to speak with me when I couldn't figure OUT what I was doing in the strange world of 'insurance'. Kind and gentle and ever so patient..I miss you still and think of you often..Rest in peace as the good Lord truly needed some heavy duty 'angels' to help put this world back together!!! God Bless forever and ever Love Rosanne
Rosanne Giuliano, Friend
Sep 11 2009 7:54AM
I still miss Angela. I wouldn't be where I am if it wasn't for her. Not only did she give me my first Insurance job, she taught me so much - not only about insurance but about being a mentor and leader. I remember her, as a Managing Director, taking the time to sit with me to show me how to read loss runs. She always took time to teach. I always say we lost our best that day and Angela was definitely one of the best. She will always be in my thoughts and her family will be in my prayers. Never forget!
Allison Fogarty, Colleague
Sep 10 2009 11:02PM
Even though time has passed it still doesn't seem possible for this tragedy to have happened. There are memories of visiting my family in Pennsylvania or weddings or funerals attended that we would see each other as adults. I think of my cousin and say a prayer for the family that has had to continue on without her. America must remember that innocent people simply went to work that day to never return home.
Terri Vaira-James, Family
Sep 25 2008 9:17PM
Dear Angela...My thoughts and prayers are always with you and your marks 7 years since this tradegy that changed everyones lives...the lives that were lost and the sadness it brought to all.....It seems unreal to anyone who knew you and the helping hand you always gave when I called and needed 'something' that you are not here..I pray for your husband, son and your family to know that your spirit will give them the strength they need....God bless you and know that YOU will never be forgotten.. Fondly, Rosanne Giuliano Boston MA
Rosanne Giuliano, Colleague
Sep 11 2008 1:15PM
I knew Angela Kyte as Mrs. Kyte or Morgan's Mom. I spent many afternoons at the Kyte homes exploring the woods with Morgan and have very fond memories of the family. My father worked with Roger Kyte for many years in Boonton Twp. I did not know Angela very well, she worked quite a bit as I recall but I know she raised my friend to be a respectful and well rounded. She prepared lunches for us and was quite the warm hearted woman. She was a great mother and my heart is with her family on this day. Morgan, I know it's been over 14 years since I last saw you but if you read this I'd like you to know that I think about our childhood and the good times we shared and I will always remember our adventures exploring and building imaginary spaceships in your driveway. God bless you and your family.
Jimmy Summers, Friend
Sep 11 2008 9:59AM
Though it has been so long, I still think of Angela often, especially when I visit NY as I did last week. She was the broker for one of our joint clients and I was always impressed by her professionalism and what she had achieved as a woman within the Marsh organization. I remember well how proud she was of her son and hope that her husband and son take comfort in how fondly she is rembered by so many. Rhonda Reeves, Kansas City, MO
Rhonda Reeves, Colleague
Aug 13 2008 2:19PM
My wife stopped by today and noticed the picture that I can't bring myself to remove from my desk. It's a picture of Angela, Jim Ash, Betsy Sughara and me sitting at a table in Atlantic City. Angela was one of the smartest, nicest people it has ever been my pleasure to know and I still miss her. My thoughts and good wishes are with her husband and son.
Alan Thornton, Colleague
Apr 2 2008 9:34AM
Your professionalism and assistance when I first came to the firm will always be remembered. Thinking of you today and all that you contributed.
Sheila Pompan, Colleague
Sep 11 2007 9:21AM
As I sit here and hearing my daughters trip to New York City and here visit to ground zero.I can only think of Angela. About 6 years ago our little newspaper here in Washington,Pa .Printed an article about our home town girl that was a victim in the (9/11) tradgey. It was Angela and she graduated with me from high school in the year of 1969, I did not know her that well in school,But she was classmate and a very bright one at that,For my self I just wanted to get school out of the way. That is why I never associated with classmates like Angela, I was a person with a general education while ,Angela was so well educated.As I ended up in Vietnam, And she rack up the awards at Lycoming College,as I read in here bio.But has a parent with a daughter that is going to college,And taking a 3 day weekends to New York city just to see a broadway play.I feel as parent to let your child have that experience,but you worry every day when they are gone. So this is to the mother of Angela I feel your pain as a parent . To her immediate family husband and children your mother was a gem and I hope you cherish her while she was on this earth.We will all miss her.And personally while they mention the trade world center on 9/11.My mind goes directly to Angela.May god bless her,she is sadly missed
Chuck Mc Clure, Colleague
May 23 2007 5:24PM
Angela, you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. I will always have fond memories of our visits to Fenway to see the were a wonderful broker and an even better friend.
David Slater, Colleague
Mar 8 2007 10:56AM
I am thinking of you today, Angela. Bless you.
Michael C. Sensiba, Colleague
Sep 11 2006 1:38PM
I had the pleasure of being Angela's secretary in the early 80's at Marsh's Morristown office. Working in the Commercial Accounts Department was my first 'real' job. I learned a lot from Angela and have always respected her as a great teacher and a tremendous business woman. As I continued on in my career and life, I would keep in touch with her and look to her for guidance. We could go for long periods of time without speaking to each other but, when we did, we could begin as if we had spoken to each other every day. There are very few days that have gone by since September 11th that I do not think of her in some way. As we get closer to the second anniversary of the terrorist attacks, I wanted to add my tribute to her for hard work and dedication to Marsh and to her life. I am thankful for this memorial section so that I can visit it and see her smile and hear her laugh.
Kelly Lennon DeRosa, Friend
Sep 3 2003 11:16PM
I had the pleasure of instructing numerous professional development courses with Angela and for anyone who participated, you remembered her for her organization, thoroughness, and most of all her professionalism. She wanted people to learn so that they could move ahead in their careers. Conversations with her always focused on the importance of education. What a wonderful person.
Mark Greenwood, Friend
Sep 2 2003 3:50PM
Angela is the spitting immage of her father, the late Colonel Jack Vaira of the US Army. I boarded with the Vaira's in the fifties when I was a student at Washington & Jefferson College in Washington, Pennsylvaia, Angela's home town. In those days, Angela was just a child. The Vaira's treated me like a brother, and I was like an uncle to Angela and her younger sisters. Her mother and I still keep in touch with each other, and the news of Angela's hit us hard. I shall never forget that awful day in September 2001. Angela, and thousands of others who were sacrificed that day, here are the words of God who spoke through profet Isaiah: 'The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light: they that dwell in the land of the shadow of death, upon them hath the light shined.' Isiah 9:2 Angela, I know you are with God, our Lord Jesus, and your dad Jack. Your 'uncle' and friend Teddy.
Ted, Yun-kuk Kim
Aug 9 2003 8:29PM
As a client of Angela's, I was touched by her enthusiam and passion for her work. She impressed me as consumate professional with a unique sense of people and purpose. Playing in her foursome at one of the outings she hosted at Fiddlers was an experience I will remember always.
Jim Frye, Friend
Jul 11 2003 10:58AM
While roaming the internet today i belatedly learned of the terrible tragedy involving Angela. In the late 1980's i had the priviledge of working closely with Angela when i was branch manager for AIG in New Jersey. She was a very lovely and bright young lady and a priviledge to work with. I will remeber her in my heart and prayers.
Sherman L Powers, Friend
Dec 22 2002 9:25PM
I had the privilege of working with Angela in the early 90's at Marsh in Morristown. She was an inspiration and a wonderful and generous person. Every Christmas I am reminded of her kindness when I unwrap the wonderful handmade ornaments she gave me. Angela is missed, but there will always be a bright reminder of how blessed we are to have had her in our lives.
Denise Walter, Colleague
Oct 29 2002 8:34AM
I met Mrs. Kyte through my daughter, Ronya at an Inroad's Dinner Award Ceremony. She was truly a happy and caring person, with a charming personality. She died because she was a part of a nation who believed in freedom. My heart goes out to her family.
Lenola Foy, Friend
Sep 14 2002 8:06AM
Mrs. Kyte was my Mentor at Marsh when I worked in the 1166 office. She was always there for me when I had any questions about work or personal career and life choices. She was dedicated to her job and her role as my mentor. She would always go out of her way to make sure I was doing my best and reaching my fullest potential. She is surely missed and always remembered.
Ronya D. Foy, Friend
Sep 11 2002 7:15PM
Angela worked with my wife Pat at M&M; in Morristown in the late 70's. A beautiful person and a great friend. She is missed and her family is in our prayers.
Charles Barrett, Friend
Sep 8 2002 9:12PM
Angela was an leading light in Marsh. Her passion for clients, enthusiasm for helping her colleagues and partners, and her professionalism made her one of the outstanding role models within the firm. She defined the word leadership -- and I was privileged to have worked with her and known her. Angela made a real difference at Marsh and in my life.
Andy Daniels, Colleague
Jun 24 2002 2:22PM