DaJuan Hodges

DaJuan Hodges never gave his mother any trouble. 'He had every opportunity to stray, and he chose not to,' said his mother, Pamela Dixon, who raised two sons in Harlem.

As a child, Mr. Hodges loved to dance and ham it up for family pictures -- 'He was always ready to show the latest dance,' Ms. Dixon said -- and as a teenager he was a good student and did volunteer work.

When his daughter Jatair, now 8, was born, he embraced fatherhood with determination. 'It was like, O.K., I have a child now,' his mother said. 'He just knew he had to stay up on things because he had this responsibility.'

Mr. Hodges, who lived with his daughter and fiancée in the Bronx, did everything with his family, particularly going to movies, one of his passions. He worked in management services at Marsh & McLennan, on the 96th floor of 1 World Trade Center.

Ms. Dixon, who works for the same company in Midtown as an executive secretary, watched from her 42nd floor window as the first tower -- 2 World Trade Center -- collapsed on Sept. 11. 'I just went crazy,' she said. As she screamed, 'My son, my son,' and co-workers tried to calm her down, the other tower, where he was, also disappeared in a storm of smoke and dust.

Not having her son to bury has made the experience even more devastating. 'You have nothing except good memories,' Ms. Dixon said.

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My heart goes out to you Pamela. We just spoke over the phone and immediately had to find this post. Just to let you know that you are an amazing Mother. May God continue to provide strength for you and your family and everyone that DaJaun had the blessing to influence. Sending love and peace. Ashley. 💕
Ashley Watson, Friend
Jul 12 2019 4:37PM
A person that departs from this earth never truly leaves, for they are still alive in our hearts and minds. Like every year my friend, I pray to almighty that your soul rests in peace. Though we never met, in reality, you will remain my friend forever. I wish you're loved once be gifted with health and every happiness that you wanted them to give. Goodbye...
Madhumita chatterjee, Friend
Sep 25 2018 0:40PM
A person that departs from this earth never truly leaves, for they are still alive in our hearts and minds. Like every year my friend, I pray to almighty that your soul rests in peace. Though we never met, in reality, you will remain my friend forever. I wish you're loved once be gifted with health and every happiness that you wanted them to give. Goodbye...
Mainak Chatterjee, Friend
Sep 25 2018 0:41PM
17 years has passed since your life was taken. I knew DaJuan Since a small child; he was like an uncle to me. He was definitely apart of the family. Growing up in the same building 21 West 112th Street. He and my uncle were always scratching records in the room... Driving my grandmother crazy! She ( my grandmother, he called Ms. Mary) truly loved and adored him as well as my entire family. I remember Dajuan as a respectable, integral and dedicated man. One with dignity and honor.... It was a pleasure knowing him. He is Greatly missed and will remain in our thoughts and prayers
Rebella, Friend
Sep 11 2018 10:41AM
This is the moment I wait for months before I reach the day of when I could leave a message for you. I don't know why I receive an inner sense of satisfaction after leaving a message for you. Like every year I wish that your family and the persons to whom you loved the most be blessed with good health, happiness, and every success that they want in their life and may your soul rest in peace...
Mainak Chatterjee, Friend
Sep 17 2017 1:49AM
In these moments of loss, words are useless. God rest your soul in peace and the angels to always be there with you. Like every year I wish good health and happiness for your dear and near ones and may all their dreams come true.
Mainak Chatterjee, Friend
Sep 11 2016 0:12PM
When we lose a loved one here on earth, we gain an angel in heaven that watches over us. Like every year I wish your family and loved ones health and prosperity and may your sole rest in peace.
Mainak Chatterjee, Friend
Oct 1 2015 3:11PM
As of last year, I pray to almighty that your soul rest in peace.May God give good health and happiness to your family and closed ones.
Mainak Chatterjee, Friend
Sep 26 2014 2:18PM
Love you infinity!! 13 Yrs later still on my mind everyday!! Your baby girl is 21yrs old now and as u can see is every bit of you! Miss you like crazy!! My heart and soul!!! Love you baby!
Jamielah Persol, Family
Sep 11 2014 3:02PM
I was going through the 9/11 Memorial in Google map and his name shot my attention. After I searched Google I found this information. I pray to almighty that his soul rest in peace. I hope that his family is doing well now. Feeling really very sad to read this story.
Mainak Chatterjee, Friend
Sep 11 2013 4:14PM
Still hard.... Missing you and still the love of my life!! We love and miss you!! Infinity!!
Jamielah Persol, Family
Sep 10 2013 6:59PM
I have been watching as we approach 12 years, on television, the building of the memorial as they showed the names listed, DaJuan's name passed by and caught our eye. We had to look his name up because we are a Hodges as well. We felt drawn to know him even if only through this site. We pray that his family, today is doing well, that his fiance and his daughter and his mom all find peace within, knowing that one day you will all meet again. Blessings, Lisa Hodges
Lisa, Friend
Sep 8 2013 9:54PM
The love of my life.....it hasn't gotten easier 11yrs later!! I miss you every single day!! Our girl is your spitting image!! Lol humor and all!! Rest in peace my love!! Until we meet again!! Love u for eternity!!
Jamielah Persol, Family
Sep 11 2012 6:38AM
So your face and name today and felt compelled to learn more about you . 10 years later you will not be forgotten , may god bless you and your family.
Tracy, Friend
Sep 11 2011 10:50AM
Dajuan you are forever in my Heart,I miss you and Daddy misses you very much.All we do is talk about you.No one will ever be able to take your place in my heart you are my Big brother and I love you......Always your little sister Rashida C
Rashida C Clarrett, Family
Jun 4 2011 3:29AM
In honor of my son, DaJuan Hodges, and many others who perished on 9/11/01, Osama Bin Laden was killed. Does this bring me joy or closure - ABSOLUTELY NOT! Bin Laden's death will not bring back my DaJuan or any of my co-workers/colleagues/friends. I cannot see myself jumping for joy and celebrating right now. The vision is still so clear in my head how they celebrating and danced in the street after killing nearly 3,000 people on 9/11. My heart will not let me go there, to celebrate the death of someone, regardless of circumstance. I will say that justice was finally done; but, don't for one minute think that this is over... Be Very Concerned & Stay Alert! DaJuan, my first born child, you will always be in my heart and never forgotten. Special Love For You Always! RIP! One Me! One You! One Love! So True! Love, Mommy.
Pamela Dixon, Family
May 2 2011 3:52PM
You will never be forgotten DaJuan, I love you and miss you. You will aways have a special place in my heart.
Mignon Callender-Hughes, Family
Sep 11 2009 9:54PM
I work in the Indianapolis Mercer office and felt compelled to visit the memory site for collegues lost on 9/11. It was a terrible day and an awful event. I am sad that you are not here for your family; and will pray that God will bless them all the days of their lives.
sharon edwards, Colleague
Sep 3 2009 2:02PM
Just dropping you a line to let you know I love you..I really appreicate you protecting me these past 7 years and when we meet back up in heaven I hope God wont mind if we throw 1 or 2 stink bombs for ole times sake..lol love my Brother..
Ronald Hudson, Family
Sep 11 2008 9:35AM
Happy Belated Birthday Baby! Sorry I am late you know I am about to be a Grandmother so my thought process is slowing down:) I know you will forgive me because that is the type of person you are. So from me to you I sent you many hugs and kisses. Love you and Miss you.
Mignon Callender-Hughes, Family
Feb 29 2008 2:11PM
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!! I love you my brother and thank you for watching over me.
Ronald Hudson, Friend
Feb 26 2008 6:46PM
I have 2 do a report in school and i picked 2 write about u!! i've been reading a lot about ur life and ur family... u sound like ur a great person and u would do nething for anyone.... good-luck 2 ur whole family and watch over them all... rest in peace...
ashley smith, Family
Dec 12 2007 10:05AM
I miss you DaJuan, I hold so many great memories of you. I pray that all those memories keep your family comforted as they do me. From my family to yours GOD BLESS and know that you will never be forgotten. Miss You
Mignon, Family
Sep 11 2007 9:11PM
when i woke up this morning i thought of you and your son...how proud he would be of your spirit and your energy and your determination...i can't imagine how you feel or what happens when you are alone and have nothing but your mind to work with...always know, though, that the people you touch will always be touched by you and your story..your son has touched us all whether we were fortunate to know him or not. I am glad to have you as a friend Pam...Peace....
amy soricelli, Friend
Sep 11 2007 11:40AM
Hi Pam, Hi Dajuan....I thought of you guys today as they mentioned on the radio that the memorial would be allowed once again at the World Trade site. I just want you to know that I haven't forgotten him and I never will. Who could forget such a charming bright smile. My thoughts and prayers are with you always. Lauren Weeks
Lauren Weeks, Colleague
Aug 10 2007 8:15AM
I still love you DaJuan everyday our baby looks more and more like u. Always and Forever in my heart. Love you!!
Jamielah Persol, Family
Sep 11 2005 2:39PM
At school the other day, we all got wristbands with the name of a person who had died in 9/11. I recieved DaJuan and to read about him here, is just incredible. Many people saw the wristband as just another accessory, but to me it is way more than that. It's a reminder of that day, of those lives that were lost. It's an honor to be wearing it, even if others don't view it in that way. I only know DaJuan by reading what's on this site, I don't know him personally. By reading this I can tell he was a wonderful person.
Yolanda Rodriguez, Friend
Sep 10 2005 3:26PM
I love you Pam Jatair and Sharod keep praying . Dajuan will forever be with us. Dajuan was a star and still is a star to this very day .And to Jatair baby keep your head up and remember daddy will always love you and he'll always be in your heart ,you will never have to worry baby you have the best nana in the world and the best uncle in the world also.They love very much sweetie and I love you too and never forget that Jatair.I love you guys, and Dajuan will always be in my heart.Just keep praying my Pammy I love you and Sharod and whenever you need to talk never hesitate im always there for you guys.
Jessica Dawson, Family
Jul 24 2005 1:15AM
Dajuan, On this day 2/26/03 you would have celebrated your 31st birthday. I just wanted to let you and your family know that although you are no longer with us physically, you will always be with us in spirit. May you have a happy birthday in heaven. With love. Stephane Calixte Marsh Inc.
Stephane Calixte, Colleague
Feb 26 2003 10:27AM
DaJuan and I met when we were both assigned to the 96th floor of the WTC by the Facilities Department back in 1999. It did not take long for us to become friends. I actually knew DaJuans mother before I met him as I had the pleasure of meeting her when we were located at 125 Broad Street. I believe that DaJuans two favorite ladies were his mom and of course his daughter Jatair. There is never a time that him and I would talk when he wouldn't mention them. My favorite memory of DaJuan is his laugh and his smile, he truly had a beautiful smile and it is greatly missed. I miss you DaJuan... I had the Honor of reading the below tribute at his memorial almost a year ago: In memory of DaJuan, I speak on behalf of his friends and colleagues at Marsh. To his mother Pam, his father Joe, his brother Sherard, his fiancee Jamila & his beautiful daughter Jatair, please know that we share your loss, pain, grief & your tears of sorrow. But also along with these things we share memories of DaJuan. When speaking with friends of his at Marsh they told of many stories and special memories they have of him, ones I'm sure they will cherish for a very long time. I asked many of his colleagues if they could describe him in one word what would they say. DaJuan was: warm, funny, humble, reliable, polite, radiant, determined, knowledgeable, responsible, smart, giving, courteous, genuine, intelligent, sincere, caring, respectful, handsome, stylish, spiritual, real, agape, remarkable, positive, professional, vivacious and lovable. It wasn't an easy task to sum up someone like DaJuan in one word, but when these words are combined together; it truly paints a vivid picture of an inspiring, well loved young man. DaJuan was indeed a hard working man, a loving son, but most of all we knew him to be a dedicated father. There's no end to the great things that could be said of DaJuan & for this reason I smile. I ask all of you to smile. A smile of admiration, a smile of remembrance, a smile that signifies that his mother's work was not in vain. Anonymous quote 'We should look at everything as if we were seeing it either for the first time or the last time. Then, your time on Earth will be filled with glory.' I would also like to convey condolences and deep sympathy to DaJuan's family from the Weeks Family. We are forever in debt to DaJuan for his acts of kindness.
Lauren Weeks, Friend
Sep 12 2002 5:40PM
I was truly saddened to hear Dajuan's name being read this morning during the memorial. He was a very likeable fellow, one I could count on to get things done when needed. He always had a very upbeat attitude, and I enjoyed talking to him when we met. My sympathies go out to his family, I will always remember him fondly.
Chris Venne, Colleague
Sep 11 2002 12:09PM
I am a childhood friend of Dajuan I have known him over 22 years we grew up in the same building as a kid he was always sweet and very well mannered and as an adult he stayed the same I will always remember him in my heart and my prayers he will be miss.
Christine D.Mack, Friend
Aug 4 2002 11:39PM
DaJuan always had a smile on his face when he passed by my office at 7:50 AM on the 96th floor. If you needed anything DaJuan was always there. Dajuan always filled me in with the latest news on the Washington Redskins, I think we were the only ones that were Redskin fans. DaJuan your the greatest.
Gary Tencer, Colleague
Apr 11 2002 1:03PM
DaJuan will always be the love of my life. We were together for 9 years and had a wonderful life together. I will always remember his smile and his sense of humor that he his blessed our daughter with. No matter what the future may hold, DaJuan will always be apart of me. I will love you forever DaJuan and I know you will always watch over me and Jatair.
Jamielah Persol, Family
Apr 10 2002 11:09PM
I worked with DaJuan on the 96th floor of 1WTC. He always had a smile for everyone. Here is my favorite memory of DaJuan: Every day DaJuan would bring my mail to my office. I would always tease him and ask him to bring me something 'good' not just all this business stuff. One day my husband sent me flowers to the office. DaJuan saw that the flowers at the reception desk were for me. He arrived at my office door with the flowers and a giant smile and said, 'Here's something good from me!!' I'll always remember that silly moment and his big smile. My condolences to his family. He was a super guy.
Eileen McGuire, Colleague
Apr 5 2002 5:23PM