Philip Calcagno
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Dear Phil, You are missed everyday...I will never forget the day I met you when Marsh and J & H merged. You had such a warm smile and a personality that made everyone feel welcomed. I was so glad to have had a chance to meet you and work with you. My heart goes out to your family.
Linda Vogt, Colleague
Sep 11 2011 5:34PM
Dear Phil - 'my father' at work...your warmth, wisdom and wonderful smile are missed, always! Thank you for the wonderful years at J&H;, passing by Buono bakery always brings such sweet memories...God bless you and your beautiful family! Miss you, the world is a lesser place without you!
Nancy Gonzalez, Friend
Sep 11 2011 12:31PM
To Phil Calcagno & family, As a former New York City Police Department colleague I wanted to express my remembrance and prayers to you and your family. Fraternally, Detective Sergeant Joe Piraino (NYPD/Ret)
Joseph Piraino, Colleague
Aug 10 2011 10:15AM
Nine years hasn't made me think of what happened on 9/11 any less. Phil and his family are in my thoughts quite often. His name sometimes comes up in a conversaton that my husband and I are having. He was one of the kindest, most patient people that I have ever known.
Josephine Restivo, Colleague
Sep 13 2010 12:22PM
Dear Phil, Its been a while now,but someone as kind and considerate as you,is never forgotten.I'll continue to remember You and your Family in my daily prayers. God Bless us all!
Dan Kennedy, Colleague
Nov 16 2009 6:23PM
I remember Phil with great fondness. He was very patient and kind. Frequently, I had a question with regard to an open invoice or billing problem and Phil would always explain the situation in a way that made sense to me. I always look for Phil's name when I visit the memorial at 1166. He was a friend to all within J&H; and Marsh that had the pleasure of working with him. We miss you Phil.
Kevin Still, Colleague
Sep 11 2007 10:02AM
I want to say thank you phil,i did not know you,in person but i remember talking to you after some one from the company pointed out to me that we had the same last name,so i call your extention and you answer with soch a kind,hello so i ask if you had a idea of what part of italy your familly was from and you answer,new jersey and we both laugh
luis a calcagno, Friend
Jan 28 2007 11:15AM
Phil, you'll never be forgotten. Please put in a good word for me to St. Peter. May your Love and Blessings shine down upon all your Family and Friends. God Be With You. Dan Kennedy
Dan Kennedy, Colleague
Sep 11 2006 8:09PM
Phil, When I think of you I think of the kindest gentlest, most patient man I have ever had the pleasure to work with. I remember when Marsh merged with J&H; and you were the first person to assist me with finding researching J&H; items. Thank you for being such a pleasure to work for. You are a true gentleman and will be greatly missed and forever in our hearts. May God continue to watch over and bless your family. Lovingly submitted Yvette Guidry-Robinson Marsh (1995-2004)
Yvette Guidry-Robinson, Colleague
Sep 11 2006 2:06PM
Just to say that I ran into the name when the attack occured, just looking through the names. I wondered when I saw it, if I were related to Phil, as my family name on my Dad's side is Calcagno, and there aren't that many. I do not have anyone left to ask, so just wanted to leave this note that I pray that his family is strong and have carried his memory with them since then, and that they are going on knowing that he is watching over them. I don't know if anyone comes to the pages here, as entries are back to 2002 or 2003, and not since. Blessings to those who have written. I read each tribute, and understand from reading that Phil Calcagno, must have been a fun and patient person with the gift of making those around him feel good about themselves. Not too much more you could ask from a human being. Hope you are resting peacefully with he who can hold you close in his quiet and loving arms. Our Father, Who Art In Heaven Hallowed Be Thy Name Thy Kingdom Come Thy Will Be Done On Earth, As It Is, In Heaven Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread And Forgive Us Our Debts As We Forgive Our Debtors Lead Us Not Into Temptation But Deliver Us From Evil For Thine, Is The Kingdom, The Power, AND THE GLORY FOREVER AMEN
Diana, Friend
Dec 14 2005 7:46PM
Phil was the most even tempered unassuming individual I have ever worked with at Marsh. He was always so helpful and kind and a great motivator to all colleagues. His great sense of humor and pranks still put a smile on my face today. Phil was also an ardent gardener, parent and grandfather. He was a true gentle man and his presence is missed by all!
Raj Persaud, Colleague
Dec 10 2003 4:41PM
It's been two years now, and not a single day has gone by when I haven't thought about Phil & the others. I wonder how his family is doing and who does the gardening that he loved so much. He was such a good person who deserved to enjoy his life and family for many more years.
Josephine Restivo, Colleague
Sep 12 2003 7:15AM
Phil was my last contact at J&H; when I retired in 1996. We often discussed business and personel matters. Phil was a lovable guy who enjoyed helping others with kind advise. He was a dedicated worker. To his family, I can only offer my condolences for their great loss. May God Bless you all! Dan Kennedy
Dan Kennedy, Colleague
Jan 16 2003 2:35PM
Phil was my first real boss at J&H.; I was only 19. From the moment I met him I loved him. He was a father figure. He had the patience of a saint. He never lost his patience. I will always remember how much he spoke about his wife and family, his garden. He tried so hard to sway me from bad career decisions, I wish I had listened to him. My prayers to your family.
Jeanne Ricca-Newman, Colleague
Oct 9 2002 7:06PM
I didn't work with Phil too closely back in the waning days of J&H; New York, but we had an opportunity on one project to work together long enough for me to find out how great a guy he was. He was always available to help me when I needed him and he did so with a smile. A better teacher for the task I couldn't have had, either. We would always talk about Lehigh University when we were together because his daughters went there and I went there at around the same time. Last year, at the infamous Lehigh-Lafayette football game, a ceremony was held at halftime honoring those lost from the Lehigh family. Phil's family was on the field holding an American Flag in dedication to him. I had only just before learned that Phil had been lost in this awful tragedy. I must admit, I wept when I heard his name. I think there's been a lot of that going around in the last year. For the people like Phil that we no longer will have the chance to share our experiences with, our memories of sharing those experiences will be our reward for having known them. I hadn't seen Phil in quite some time, but the thought of never having the chance to even bump into him again, either at Marsh or at Lehigh, and that there is no good reason for that, will bother me forever...I'll miss you, friend.
John Marren, Colleague
Sep 5 2002 1:37PM
In the past 11 months I haven't gone through one day without thinking of Phil. I truly mean it when I say the world was a better place with Phil in it. He was one of the greatest people Ive known. I have so many good memories of him. It was an honor to work for him. He truly deserved to be here much longer to continue to enjoy his family.
Josephine Restivo, Colleague
Aug 25 2002 7:08PM
I knew Phil at Johnson and Higgins prior to my retiring in 1998. I had not seen him since then and was shocked to hear that he was one of those lost. Phil was very helpful to me in setting up a procedure for tracking shared income with one of our overseas offices for a major client. It was a special situation and somewhat of a nuisance for Phil, but he was happy to do it. Also, as our departments were next to each other, I would see Phil every day and he always had a friendly hello as I know was the case with those who worked for him. My sincerest condolences to Phil's family. Karl DeFoeAugust 17, 2002
Karl Defoe, Colleague Aug 25 2002 10:19AM
August 17, 2002 Karl Defoe, Colleague Aug 25 2002 10:19AM
Phil had the patience of a saint. He was the most even tempered man I have ever met. I have never seen him get angry. His demeanor was a great offset to my (less than even tempered) one. Phil had the greatest sense of humor and enjoyed 'pulling my leg' every now & then. When he, Mike Hannan & Richard Caproni got together....look out! The three of them would have us in stitches. I know they are all in heaven right now laughing as they always did. Phil was a true gentleman, a great friend & co-worker. I miss you even more today.
Noreen Laplaski, Colleague
Aug 20 2002 7:10PM
There are so many things I could say about Phil. He was a kind and thoughtful man. Phil always made my worst day and little brighter. Everytime I saw him he had a smile on his face. He adored his wife and children. I really, really miss you Phil..............
May 13 2002 5:52PM
I first met Phil in October, 1986, one month after I joined J@H. Phil took great pains to explain the big boy way of handling premium payments, which differed significantly from the methods we used in my small Westchester Agency. From that time on Phil became a good friend and an extremely helpful co-worker.And although we almost never carried on a conversation on the boat, I saw him and his wife riding the ferry to Staten Island where we all lived. During the work day we had, over the years, many conversations which started on a business note and wound up personal, discussing family, etc. Phil, you will be greatly missed in tne business world and immensely so at home. May God bless you and welcome you to his house. Until we meet again, Frank Petito
Frank Petito, Friend
May 13 2002 12:03AM
Although I did not work directly with Phil, I was fortunate enough to work on the same floor. Phil was one of those people that when you looked at him you knew what a kind and gentle person he was. His demeanor was one of 'peace.' I remember telling my husband that his look reminded me of Joe Torre, the Yankee's manager. Phil's smile and kind manner will truly be missed. He is definitely one of a kind.
Miriam Cepeda, Colleague
Apr 29 2002 10:53AM
I worked with and for Phil for a couple of years. Phil was a decent, kind, patient, helpful and honorable man. I feel as though I can't say enough good things about him. Phil always made you feel comfortable coming to him with a question or problem. He spoke often about his wife, kids and grandchildren. He was very proud of his two granddaughters. I think it will be a very long time before I meet another person like Phil. He is sorely missed here at Marsh!!
Leila Elvebakk, Colleague
Apr 19 2002 1:57PM
I am a former colleague at Marsh. I met Phil when Marsh & McLennan merged with Johnson and Higgins. Everyone took a liking to Phil right away. He was a patient and understanding person. He helped you with any problem that you had. I felt a bond with him instantly because he was a former NYC police officer and my husband is currently on the job. We talked all the time about what it was like when he was on the job and how it is now. My best memory of Phil was a couple of years ago, at the wedding of another co-worker, Michael Hannan. It was about his relationship with his wife, whom I just met that day. I have never seen a couple married that long and still have a look of love like they did that day. They just adored each other so much. I had a conversation with her that day as well. I remember her telling me how proud she was of he got his master's degree after he retired from the force. How hard that was for him to do. How he got a managerial position at Johnson and Higgins, etc. I will never forget the look in her eyes when she was saying all that. I don't ever want to forget Phil Calcagno. And I doubt that I will.
Linda Vogt, Colleague
Apr 16 2002 7:03PM