Mark Charette
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Mark you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers today as we mark the 14th anniversary of this terrible national tragedy.
Stan Jablonowski, Colleague
Sep 11 2014 2:58PM
I met Mark when he he was a student at college. He stands out in my memory as a really sweet, smart, honorable guy. I was so happy for him and Cheryl when they got engaged, and graduated, and got married. Not surprised that he was a wonderful husband and father. I am so sorry to know that he lost his life at the WTC 12 years ago, and I send my condolences and energy and good wishes to his family and friends. I miss him, too.
Amelia T. Smith, Friend
Sep 11 2013 12:25PM
I remember you Mark, and I said your name in prayers today at Mass. Rest In Peace.
Vicki Gyuga, Colleague
Sep 11 2011 4:03PM
Mark went to high school with me in Warwick, RI. We were in almost all the same classes. He was quiet and very smart. Aloof, he always seemed to be hanging back, smiling, privately amused by the teenage drama going on around him. He wasn't influenced by it at all as far as I could tell. My friends and I all had crushes on him. I never told him but he probably knew. Once when my parents were out of town we had a robbery at my house, and the police called me to tell me my parents' massive color TV had been recovered. I could drive but there was no way I could lift and carry that large and heavy TV. Somehow Mark volunteered to go with me to the police station and help me get it back in place in our living room before my parents came home. I never forgot how nice he was to do that for someone who was not a close friend, really just a classmate. I have read about him over the years and I am impressed by all he accomplished with his life. I try to be a better mother, a better person, in honor of him. My hopes that his family finds comfort in the respect we all pay to Mark in our hearts, forever. It is a privilege to have known him.
Susan Lonergan, Friend
Sep 11 2011 1:11PM
It was nice to see you at the Marsh memorial service. My prayers will be for you and the children this weekend.
Marge Mathers, Friend
Sep 10 2011 9:22AM
Theres not a day goes by i dont see that little boy smiling back at me thats how i remember thats precious, delightful giving person he brighten everyones day he came in contact with. Lauren i never got to meet you .But i surely no being marks daughter you are a very beautiful young lady and your dad would be very proud of you !!Are thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.I am related to you by my moms sister margaret.I return to the site every year.I have a lot of freinds i met giving out medical supplies with the RED CROSS those days.I will be here if you would like to talk .Your dad will always be with you . GOD BLESS ! MARC WE MISS YOU!!!!
diane peckham stine, Family
Aug 31 2011 7:36PM
I recently went to the Marsh website to find some information when I found this link. I had the pleasure of putting together with Mark an OCIP for the heatlhcare system I worked for in 1997. We corresponded regularly from 1997 to 2000 about the projects. I know from all the time we spent together that he was a wonderful husband and father, a special person. I also learned that he loved working with wood, restoring the older home they purchased in New Jersey. I often think about Mark when I am working on other OCIP programs, I think about all the OCIP education he passed on. He was one of those rare and special persons that periodically passes through our life. He is certainly missed.
Michael McGinnis, Colleague
Jun 10 2010 4:49PM
I only recently found the courage to type my dad’s name into Google and found this page. I've been reading all of the posts and would like to add my own tribute. Dad was the most amazing person I've ever known. And now that I look I'm not sure how well I knew him. He cared for everyone was polite and if I can be half the person he was I'll be proud. There was no one I would have rather had for a father. I can't even find the words to describe how proud I am to be his child. I would also love it if you’re reading this if you have a story and want to send it to me; I would be eternally grateful because, I want to know more about the man, who was my father. My email is
Lauren Charette, Family
Nov 18 2009 8:30PM
This year September 11th is now a national day of service and rememberence. We remember and honor the people lost by rekindling that powerful spirit of patriotism and helping other people that followed those horrific acts of terrorism. Today, I would like to offer a heartfelt thank you to all the people that helped me and my family. Mark was the most amazing person I have ever known. He was a remarkable husband and father. Words cannot express how difficult it was for us to lose him. Your actions, words and prayers helped more than you can know. Thank You.
Cheryl Desmarais Charette, Family
Sep 11 2009 12:16PM
I had the pleasure of meeting Mark once years ago while he & Cheryl were engaged. One could not help but see the love in his eyes for Cheryl. Funny, how sometimes just a small, one time meeting still seems so fresh in my mind! He will always be remembered by our family in our thoughts & prayers, as well as the family he left behind.
Jennifer Flynn, Family
Sep 11 2009 9:12AM
A tribute to my friend and fallen colleague i will never forget! Thoughts and prayers to your family on this 8th year of this tragic loss of such a good person
stan jablonowski, Colleague
Sep 10 2009 6:09PM
I had the pleasure to work with Mark on a couple of OCIP sales pitches while I was at Marsh. We spent some time togther in Atlanta preparing for a sales pitch to Delta (which we utlimately got). Mark and I shared similar family make-up (3 kids) and we talked about how important it was to spend time with the fmaily outside of work. I recall his story about letting his wife sleep in while he took the kids to mcdonals for breakfast on weekends. Then there was the 'business Mark' who I nicknamed 'The terminator'. He would sit at meetings with his every ready lap top crunching number while listening to the conversation in the room, never missing a beat. I greatly value the short time I got to know this man. May he rest in peace.. Scott MacDonald
scott macdonald, Colleague
Nov 9 2007 5:14PM
My husband and I watched and took notes on being a good spouse and father from Mark. We were blessed to have known him, to have glimpsed the devotion that made Mark who he was inside. Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you, the family he loved so very much.
Debra Fritts, Friend
Sep 13 2007 12:13AM
Mark my thoughts and prayers are always with you and your family. May you rest in peace.
stan jablonowski, Friend
Sep 10 2007 10:13PM
To Cheryl and the family, my thoughts and prayers are with you today.
Marge Mathers, Friend
Sep 10 2007 9:44PM
Gosh, I just heard about Mark's death. Very sad. Great guy. I spent time with him on the USS Pasadena, SSN 752. He was my LT for a bit. He was a very sharp officer and represented our country proudly. I am sure all the guys on the boat could reflect how much of a good guy he was. I don't know if he has a family or not, however I bet he would have been an excellent husband and father. As a Fire Fighter myself, I have heard about many stories and tribulations that had occurred that very sad and ugly day in America. Unfortunely, many of my Fire Figher brothers and now one of my submariner brothers had to perish because of a group of selfish, hateful, inhuman religeous freaks had to make a statement at the expense of innocent Men, Women, and Children. Carry on Mark, STS2/SS FF Carl Pedersen
Carl Pedersen, Colleague
Jun 12 2006 5:31PM
I remember asking Mark to join us at Fletcher Allen HC, in Vermont. He arrived early so we could get to know him, and be prepared for the client. They had never heard of OCIP - and OCIP was Mark's life. He was great, just a great addition to our team. We did not get the business due to political ties, but Mark was a shining example of what we had to offer. I remember thinking on 9.12 or thereabouts, what a terrible ending to a vibrant and very smart coleagues. I hope his wife and children are doing well.
Bill McDonough, Colleague
Mar 2 2005 8:57PM
Spent a lot of time with Mark through 1996 and 1997. Attended J&H; Leadership School with Mark, we were teammates. Worked on numerous OCIP programs as well. Mark was the ultimate professional. Always prepared and freely giving of his time and knowledge. And, no matter how busy he was in preparing a late night skit for JHLS or a proposal for a major OCIP, he would always take time to call home and talk to his wife and kids. As hard as Mark worked, you knew that his family always came first, was always in his thoughts, and always in his heart.
John Milazzo, Colleague
Jun 9 2003 3:59PM
I'm not sure Mark and I ever met, but I spoke with him many times over the years when he called the J&H; National Casualty Office when we were downtown at 125 Broad Street, long before the merger. He was a nice young man, and I was heartbroken to learn he was among the casualties at the WTC. I would like Mark's family and friends to know that he is remembered. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Regina Motreuil [Secretary] 9/17/02
Regina Motreuil, Colleague
Sep 17 2002 2:53PM
I was Mark's college roomate for three years. Mark was a true gentleman. I have not met many people as kind and selfless as him. I am grateful for having known him and for what I learned from him. I had not talked to him in years (his submarine time and my medical training time will do that) but as I read the tributes to him on the internet I am inspired to strive to become a father like he was. There is not a time when there is mention of 9/11 that I do not think about him and his family and pray for them.
Kyle Lingenfelter, Friend
Aug 8 2002 2:41PM
I knew Mark through his wife and children. The last time I spoke to Mark was at our town pool as he played with his children. Mark smiled the entire afternoon and enjoyed the time he had with his family. Mark was a great dad and a wonderful member of his family and community.
Allison Klausner, Friend
Jun 5 2002 12:57PM
I was fortunate enough to have many occassions to work with Mark on a number of sales opportunities. Most of which were successful, thanks to Mark. The team worked hard and sometimes late hours but we always had fun. That is how I will always remember Mark - a hard working, no nonesense, fun colleague. I am a better person for having known him.
Barbara Hanson, Colleague
May 30 2002 2:14PM
My contact with Mark was on a sales opportunity in an area of insurance with which I was wholly unfamiliar and upon which he was expert. I was very glad to have him on my team. When we returned from the appointment, we had occasion to walk down the middle of a usually busy road in Boston. For some reason the road was clear of all cars. The sun was shining, it was a gorgeous Spring day and Mark was smiling with satisfaction. It was a smile earned from hard work and left me with an image of a man at the peak of life.
Ty Howe, Colleague
Apr 15 2002 9:26AM