Ana Centeno

If you could not find Ana Centeno in her office at Marsh & McLennan, then she was one of two places: at the gym, or on the track at Hudson County Park in Bayonne, N.J. An avid runner, Ms. Centeno spent so much time running that her family held a candlelight memorial service on the track at Hudson County Park, and her picture is still there.

'She had dancing eyes,' her brother, Jesus Centeno, said. 'She was very athletic and when she went for something, she achieved it.'

Ms. Centeno, 38, was an accountant and a good friend to many. 'It's hard to be without her,' said Diana Rodriguez, who said Ms. Centeno 'was just like a sister to her' even when she had just begun to date Jesus Centeno years ago. 'Ana was just Ana, lovable, sweet. She made me feel comfortable when I first met her 17 years ago and we'd been like sisters ever since.'

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On Monday night, September 10th, 2001, I was at the gym with Ana. She was helping me use the Nautilus machines. When I left she said, 'See you tomorrow?' 'Yes', I said, 'See you tomorow.' And then tomorrow never happened. She was a good person and I'll never forgot her.
Diane Birne, Friend
Sep 6 2008 5:47PM
I may not know you but, After reading a little bit about you, I have learned that your an athelete and thats something we have in common. I also learned that you were a wonderful student and very smart, happy, and you are truely missed. God Bless You and your in a good place. -Jean
Jean, Colleague
Dec 21 2007 7:27AM
I just wanted to say that Ana, Im sorry. I have never met you but you seem like a good person with a pure heart. You have helped a lot of your friend's lives and you changed them to be a better person. God Bless you and to all Ana's family and relatives keep your head up and she is also in a better place. -Jean
Jean, Colleague
Dec 19 2007 8:29AM
May god Bless you
Rosaliz, Colleague
Feb 1 2007 4:57PM
ana you are a truly wonderful person, you didn't, nor does anyone deserve to die the way you did, may god hold you close and keep ypou safe, ill always remember
joey, Friend
Sep 11 2006 4:17PM
May God Bless you, Ana, and all of us, too.
Jim, Colleague
Oct 26 2004 4:57PM