Alex Ciccone

Alex Ciccone was a very big fan of the New York Mets. His wife, Stephanie, who he met on a blind date in the late 1980's, came from a family that loved the Yankees. 'That was a problem,' she said. 'We had a lot of fun with that.'

Mr. Ciccone, 38, was a vice president at Marsh Inc., the insurance brokerage subsidiary of Marsh & McLennan Companies. With a staff of eight, he was a rising star. 'I had a conversation with one of my bosses about a month before Sept. 11,' said Bruce Pepchinsky, who was Mr. Ciccone's boss for four years. 'The strong indication was that Alex would be promoted to senior vice president. He was a great problem solver, an executive who treated his staff as students as opposed to a big bad boss.'

When he was not putting in 12- or 13-hour days at work, Mr. Ciccone loved to hang out in his yard in New Rochelle, N.Y., with his son, Stephen, 6, and his daughter, Julia, 5.

He was also a big Bruce Springsteen fan. But Annette Casarella, his sister, associates her brother with another recording artist. 'He wore out a 45 record of `Lean on Me,' by Bill Withers,' she said. 'When we were little I can remember his playing it over and over and over. Last summer, before this happened, we talked about how much he loved that song.'

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I worked in the Nashville office, worked with Alex on financial issues
Paul Hiltz, Colleague
Nov 27 2018 9:11PM
Miss you, brother. Continuing to seek justice on your behalf.
Jim Cirile, Friend
Sep 10 2013 11:53PM
Uncle Alex, We miss you so much! I was talking to Julia recently and was wondering how you were doing? Everything is going good, I haven't seen her in a while. We will see each other soon though, the families are trying to get together at some point. Forever in our hearts<3! Love Emily
Emily Abramson, Family
May 23 2010 12:44PM
Alex, Thinking of you each and every day. The holidays are never the same without you. Wish you were here.. Love you and miss you Your sister, Annette
annette casarella, Family
Nov 29 2009 8:33AM
Uncle Alex, Not a day goes by that you aren't ever-present in our thoughts. We miss you so much and want you to know your family is well. Love, Tash
Natasha Stollmack, Friend
Jun 17 2009 9:08PM
I miss you. Love you. Think and pray about you everynight
Paul Terrigno, Family
Feb 2 2009 1:23AM
Dear Mr.Ciccone, I know you were not on earth as long as you wanted to be or as long as your family and friends wanted you to be. You married a wonderful wife, and my have 2 wonderful children. I am Julia's friend, Cassie. I have known Julia for around 4 years. Over the years Stephanie(your wife) got married to another wonderful man. I knew the reason for that is because you asked God to make your family as happy as could be. Because you said that your family was blessed with a baby. Her name is Gianna. And because you wanted your family to be so happy really means a lot to me! Your family is great and I know you are to! Sincerly, Cassie Pinto
Cassie Pinto, Friend
Jun 23 2008 3:04PM
Dear Mr.Ciccone, Although I never met you I know you, I know you were great because of what your daughter turned out to be! You raised you her so well when she was young! xoxoxo ~Cassie Pinto~ (your daughters friend)
Cassie Pinto, Friend
Nov 7 2007 8:45PM
Alex, I was with Marsh from 1987 thru 1996. You took me to my first Yankees game ! I will always remember you as great person to work with even though I worked in Nashville. My thoughts and prayers will always be with your family. Paul Hiltz - Retired from Marsh
Paul Hiltz, Colleague
Sep 25 2007 11:35AM
I was fortunate to have known and worked with Alex back in the late 1980s, early 1990s while he was in the Controllers Group and I worked out of the Coral Gables office. Alex was such a wonderful and professional colleague! I am know a high school social studies teacher, and like every other anniversay of that fateful day, I will honor his memory in class and observe a minute of silence. My thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends.
lourdes Cantillo, Colleague
Sep 11 2007 8:18AM
Daddy I remember you as a big Bruce Springsteen fan. I remember you used to always listen to it and now I try as hard as I can to listen to that as much as I can to remember you in all my thoughts. I really miss you Love Julia
Julia Ciccone, Family
Jan 2 2004 6:17PM
I beleive I was the second person Alex hired at Marsh & McLennan back in 1989. At the time we were short of staff and had to work long hours in order to keep up the work load. Alex was a very professional, organized and fair to all workers. I am grateful for having started my career working for him because of the knowledge and experience I gained from him. Hearing of his passing is a tragedy not only to me, but for his family, friends and Marsh & McLennan. The unfortunate part of his passing for me is that I always assumed I would catch up with him again someday and now that he has passed, I realize a mistake I have made by not staying close to Alex.
Patrick K. Lotzer, Friend
Sep 19 2002 4:36PM
Alex was a supervisor in the US ops when I joined Marsh in March of 1995 as a supervisor in Foreign ops. Alex was one of the nicest guys you could meet and we became good friends. Being a Met & Jet fan also helped. Alex was a big man instature with an even bigger heart. He was well respected and looked up to. Hey Alex, the Mets in first and the Braves in last. JoLo
Joe Lodispoto, Colleague
Apr 17 2002 1:05PM