William Abrahamson

In his 58 years, William Abrahamson generated enduring circles of friends. There was the Public School 8 schoolyard group, from his childhood in Brooklyn Heights. There were his colleagues from the Federal Reserve Bank, who met in the late 1960’s and remained closest friends ever since. As the men scattered to different states, it was Mr. Abrahamson, a business analyst at Marsh & McLennan, who kept the group together.

'He was the quieter guy, very secure about who he was,' said Ann Abrahamson, his wife of 25 years.

In a group of strong personalities, she said, 'he was the mediator, always above the squabbles.'

When their son, Erik, was born 11 years ago, Mr. Abrahamson, like many older fathers, looked upon the boy as a gift and a mission.

'Erik was his pride and joy,' Mrs. Abrahamson said. 'All he wanted was to see him grow up.'

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Test name, Colleague
Aug 20 2024 1:58PM
America will never forget you. Rest in peace.
Leslie Honcharik, Friend
Sep 18 2022 2:22AM
Lived in Brooklyn Heights. Grew up with Whitty. He was a great guy. My dad was Frank Esposito. My dad cried when he realized Whitty was in the WTC when it was hit. My dad was one of the iron workers that built the WTC buildings. I watch the 911 Tributes every year for Whitty and my dad. God bless them.
Barb Shimek (Esposito), Friend
Sep 7 2021 0:16AM
Bill -You are always in our heart. Rest in peace.
Linson Abraham, Colleague
Sep 11 2020 5:46PM
I have just found this memorial page - it's now the 11th anniversary of 9/11, and I would like to add this tribute. I worked with Bill at Citibank in the late 80's. Since then I moved away from NY, ending up in San Francisco in 2001 when the events unfolded. Seeing Bill's name on the victim's list really bought home the tragedy on a personal level, as although I'd lost contact with Bill I still remember him well. Bill was 'the nicest guy you could wish to know', as the phrase goes. Helpful and diligent on a professional level. Always friendly and ready to laugh when we went out for lunch or drinks after work, when he would often talk about his dedication to his wife and family. I know he was admired and respected by our other team members as well. On sunny afternoons in NY I remember he would always don his aviator-style sunglasses with style and a smile. Great guy. I feel privileged to have known Bill, and wish his family the best for the future. His colleague and friend, Keith Rayner
Keith Rayner, Colleague
Sep 12 2012 11:47PM
I just saw your name on the tv memorial this am September 9, 2012 and I was shocked to find your name among the victims. I worked with Bill at Citicorp in the 1980's - we both worked for a VP named Peter Kinghorn. I say with deepest feelings that throughout my life I have thought about him alot and always thought about getting in touch - I can't imagine how hard it must be to be without him, his patience, his sense of humor, his intelligence, his class, etc. To his Son, I say your Dad was one in a million and if you are half the man that your Dad was, then I'm sure you're the best and I have no doubt that in the glorious place that he is in now that he can see you - he knows how wonderful you are and some day I'm sure you'll see him again - God Bless You and your Mom, from this day forward I promise to pray for all of you. Louis Narducci 2017 South Ocean Drive Apt. 1008 Hallandale Beach< FL 33009
Louis Narducci, Friend
Sep 11 2012 2:10PM
It has been 10 years since you passed, not for one second of one day has your memory slipped the minds of this family, your son is a now a man, a good man, a man that i know you are looking down on with pride.
anonymous, Family
Sep 12 2011 8:35PM
RIP William
jan H from Belgium, Friend
Sep 6 2011 11:56AM
Erik, I worked with your Dad at Marsh. He was very proud of you. He and I were planning that the two of you would come up to my cottage to enjoy some fishing. I saw your note at Grand Central Station and think of it often. Do you still have the go-cart? All the best to you and your Mom. I miss him too.
Phil Vincent, Colleague
Dec 7 2010 9:23PM
remembering you today
pipkin, Friend
Sep 11 2010 9:24PM
Hello, I just came across this site for the first time today. Ann & Erik, this site is awesome. So many people were touched by Bill. He is very missed.
Jessica Reale, Family
Nov 12 2007 12:54PM
We will never forget.
Metina, Friend
May 21 2007 4:07AM
I came across this memorial while doing a search on the name Brian Abrahamson (my husband -- another Brian Abrahamson wrote a reply, thus I found this page). As it turns out, my 2 year old son is named William Abrahamson. I just wanted to let Bill's family know that I'm sorry you lost your dad and husband. All of those who perished that day are remembered by millions of strangers. Today, I remember your loved one, Bill Abrahamson.
Jennifer Abrahamson, Friend
May 11 2006 12:12AM
God be with the family of William... I share your name. My Great Grand father started life here at Ellis Island. May we all grow from this experience and not forget those that died thats horrid day... God Bless you and I will continue to pray for your family and all the survivors of 9/11 Brian Abrahamson
Brian Abrahamson, Friend
Sep 11 2005 8:49AM
u really-really like good father for me. i pray for u William.
paulus, Friend
Mar 26 2005 7:20AM
While surfing on the web I came across this site. I would like to offer my prayers to the family. I am honored to share the same name as Mr. Abrahamson. Bill Abrahamson Columbus, Georgia
Bill Abrahamson, Friend
Mar 1 2005 3:30PM
Here it is almost 2 years later. It's amazing how often I think of you, Bill. You were a true friend. I remember very clearly the times we shared... drinks on a Friday evening after work, laughing at your John Wayne impersonation, skiing at Hunter Mt. Bill, you were a great friend. I will never forget you.
Marty Staunton, Friend
Aug 18 2003 8:59AM
I miss you much dad. I think about you every day. I love you.
Erik abrahamson, Family
Apr 21 2003 7:25PM
I have never met Mr. Abrahamson. I only know him by name. Thanks to your beautiful website I now have a smiling face to put with the name. On September 11, 2002 I participated in a world wide choral sing of Mozart's Requiem through a memorial program called The Rolling Requiem. Mozart's Requim was perfomed world wide in each time zone with over 300 choral groups participating. Each participant wore a badge bearing the name of a victim from September 11, 2001. William Abrahamson was my hero today and I proudly wore his name over my heart. May God Bless his family and help them heal. And may God Bless us all and bring us peace. Irene Muller, 9/11/2002
Irene Muller, Friend
Sep 11 2002 8:35PM
Hallo! Vorerst möchte ich sagen dass ich nicht gut Englisch schreiben kann, und desswegen werde ich diesen Text in Deutsch schreiben! Sorry for my English, i write not good English, also i write you in German, please Translate this letter in English! Ich möchte einfach Ihnen allen sagen wie leid es mir tut das William Abrahamson nicht mehr leben kann, desswegen möchte ich Ihnen allen mein Beileid aussprechen. Warum ich erst jetzt schreibe hat den Grund das ich erst jetzt einige Betroffene Menschen von den Terroranschlägen informationen bekommen habe! Da ich aus Österreich komme ist es natürlich nicht leicht alles zu finden! Mich hat diese Sache vom 11.Sebt. sehr schwer getroffen und wollte auch freiwillig bei den Aufräumarbeiten helfen, schreib auch an den Herrn Präsident Bush um Genehmigung an Mithielfe, aber leider vergebens! Das heiist für mich ist das einzige was ich für Amerika machen kann mein Beileid an allen aussprechen und hoffen so etwas passiert nie wieder! Ich weiss nicht genau wohin diese E-Mail geschickt wird, aber ich hoffe an die Menschen die es nötig brauchen aufgebaut zu werden, und hoffe auch für Sie geht das Leben weiter! Ich weis nicht warum Menschen so etwas machen können aber ich finde solche Menschewn haben nicht das recht zu Leben, denn diese Menschen die bei den Anschlägen gestorben sind hatten auch nicht das Recht jetzt schon zu sterben! Ich möchte nochmals mein Beileid aussprechen und hoffe Sie alle wissen und ich spreche in namen ganz Österreich wir stehen auf der Seite von Amerika! Schöne Grüsse von mir und ganz Österreich Markus
markus geiregger, Family
Aug 23 2002 8:48AM
I'm not a Colleague but as a MMC employee I would like to express my condolences. My thoughts are with you and your family.
Paula Azevedo, Colleague
Jul 15 2002 2:35PM